Sinclair Pharma plc Interim Management Statement

May 19, 2011 -- Sinclair Pharma plc (“Sinclair” or “the Company”: SPH:L), the international specialty pharma company, today issues its Interim Management Statement for the period 1 January 2011 to 18 May 2011.

- Revenues to 31 March increased by 23% in constant currency terms versus prior year

- Three new products launched - Kelo-cote, Dosaderm and FlammaSpray

- Gross margin improvement trend continues

- Extended Invida partnership to include India

- Kelo-cote co-promotion partnership with Intendis in Spain

- Announced recommended merger to create Sinclair IS Pharma plc

Sinclair is pleased to report that revenues to the end of the third quarter of our financial year (to 31 March 2011) are up 23% in constant currency terms compared to last year. The growth rate has declined in the third quarter of the financial year predominantly due to SKU reduction and the cessation of unprofitable product lines and distribution contracts in Eastern Europe.

These actions combined with the current instability in the Middle East and North Africa region have contributed to a temporary slowdown in like-for-like growth from the level achieved in the first half of the year. Management believe that these are transitory factors that will not impact revenues for long and fully expect the rate of like-for-like growth to accelerate again in the near future. Management has continued to maintain rigorous control over costs.

During the third quarter, Sinclair country operations in France, Spain, Italy and Germany launched Kelo-cote, our scar reduction product, FlammaSpray, our first Flamma line extension, and Dermadose the first monodose presentations of our core dermatology products. The initial response to these products has been very encouraging and they are expected to make a significant contribution to our future growth. In Spain, we are pleased to have appointed Intendis to co-promote Kelo-cote to dermatologists. Further Dosaderm and Flamma branded products will be launched later in the next financial year.

Gross margins continued to improve during the period with the comparable margin (excluding lower margin Flammazine) remaining higher than the same period last year.

Sinclair and Invida continue to work closely together to ensure the launch of the initial dermatology products across the Asia Pacific region is as quick as possible. In March, we announced that the partnership would be extended to include India in addition to the original 11 markets. This has further increased the growth opportunities and brand awareness of Sinclair’s dermatology products in the emerging markets.

Invida will be launching the first products across the Asia Pacific in the summer, and will be profiling Sinclair’s leading atopic dermatitis product at the World Congress of Dermatology in Seoul later this month.

The US launch of Decapinol Rinse by Sunstar Americas remains on track for summer this year with purchase orders already received and manufacture underway.

On 7 April Sinclair announced a recommended merger with IS Pharma plc to create Sinclair IS Pharma plc. Completion of the merger is scheduled for 23 May, following court sanctioning of the scheme of arrangement on 19 May. The merger will give Sinclair a proprietary presence in the UK and will accelerate the growth plans of both companies by creating one of the UK’s largest specialty pharma companies. The merged company will be cash generative and have a strong platform for future growth with improved cross-selling opportunities and the ability to recapture margin on IS Pharma’s products that are currently out licenced in Europe.

Chris Spooner, CEO, commented:

“The merger with IS Pharma is symbiotic. For Sinclair it brings a meaningful commercial presence and sales structure in the UK while fulfilling the IS Pharma strategy of creating a proprietary European presence. Importantly for Sinclair shareholders, it also strengthens the balance sheet and significantly accelerates time to profitability. The physical practicalities of putting the companies together would not have been possible without the recent restructuring and business simplification at Sinclair. With a focused sales and marketing effort in the core European markets, near-term launches for Invida and Sunstar and sharply improving profitability, the outlook for Sinclair IS Pharma is positive and exciting.”

For further information please contact:

Sinclair Pharma plc

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 410 600

Chris Spooner, CEO

Alan Olby, CFO

Singer Capital Markets Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)20 3205 7500

Shaun Dobson

Claes Spång

Financial Dynamics

Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113

Ben Atwell

Stephanie Cuthbert

About Sinclair Pharma Plc

Sinclair Pharma plc is an international specialty pharmaceutical company providing solutions to treat wounds, dermatological and oral diseases through advanced surface technology and innovative delivery systems. It has a growing sales and marketing operation that is present in France, Italy, Germany and Spain, and an extensive marketing partner network across selected developed & emerging markets.

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Rule 2.10 Disclosure

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Code, Sinclair Pharma plc (“Company”) has 240,979,560 ordinary shares of 1p each in issue with ISIN GB0033856740.

Publication on websites

In accordance with Rule 19.11 of the Code, a copy of this announcement will be published, subject to certain restrictions relating to persons resident in restricted jurisdictions, on Sinclair Pharma’s website at For the avoidance of doubt, the contents of this website is not incorporated into and does not form part of this announcement.

Mo Noonan

Senior Manager

Financial Dynamics

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