Sensors For Wearable Electronics & Mobile Healthcare Report From Yole Développement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: LYON, France – September 11, 2015 – Hearing, touching, smelling and seeing… what will be the next improvement that MEMS will bring to our senses? Sensors are now small enough, reliable enough, and accurate enough to be included in a pocket-sized device of only 9cm3 and become the interface with the environment, details Yole Développement (Yole) in its latest report dedicated to the wearable industry (Sensors for Wearable Electronics & Mobile Healthcare, Yole Développement, June 2015). In this technology and market analysis Yole, the “More than Moore” market research and strategy consulting company, forecasts a US$88 billion market by 2020, comprising 1.2 billion sensor units.

Dr Eric Mounier, Senior Technology & Market Analyst at Yole, will be part of the European MEMS Summit 2015 taking place from September 17 to 18 in Milan, Italy. He will present an overview of the wearable industry, its technological status and key market figures. Yole’s analyst will review the development opportunities linked to MEMS for wearable applications and share his vision with MEMS executives…

“The status of MEMS technology turns wearable applications into a reality,” asserts Dr Mounier. “With Wi-Fi, cellular and Bluetooth, MEMS devices can be connected everywhere. Today’s components are also based on a low power consumption principle and allow us to collect all the data needed to monitor our environment. All attributes are therefore in place to ensure the development of wearable solutions.” …

To read the complete story, please click:

? MEMS for your senses

? Mimicking the 5 senses – Illustration (full resolution)

? More information about the European MEMS Summit 2015: click SEMI.

More information about Yole Développement’s activities, click Yole.