Proteo Biotech AG: New Member Of Advisory Board Will Strengthen Company Development

Proteo Biotech AG has appointed Dr. Jürgen Paal, Manager Strategic Projects at ALTANA Pharma AG in Constance, Germany, as a member of its advisory board. Dr. Paal will extend the board into the sector of company development. Preclinical and clinical expertise are represented on the advisory board by Professor Jens-Michael Schröder (Coordinator of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 617 at the University of Kiel) and Professor Fred Fändrich (Chairman of the Dept. of General and Thoracic Surgery, University of Kiel). Birge Bargmann, CEO of Proteo Biotech AG announced: “Because of his experience in pharmaceutical research and development as well as corporate strategy at ALTANA Pharma AG, Dr. Paal will make a valuable contribution in the areas of development, out-licensing and partnering.”