Singapore, 3 February 2016 – ACM Biolabs announced today that its customer, Sanphar Asia Pte Ltd, an animal health company engaged in the development of modern vaccines, has completed successful animal trials using ACM Biolabs’ proprietary Artificial Cell Membrane (“ACM”) technology. The study investigated the efficacy of using ACM technology to provide immunity against the porcine epidemic diarrhoea (“PED”) virusi in pigs. The clinical trials were conducted in Thailand and very positive clinical and virological results were obtained for oral and injected formulations of the vaccine. The companies are now in negotiations to develop a vaccine based on the results.
“PED is a serious problem in many countries, particularly in South East Asia, and the potential of this technology to provide us with an effective oral vaccine is extremely exciting.” explained Dr. Kai Grathwohl, Global Head R&D and Business Development, Sanphar Animal Health.
Dr. Madhavan Nallani, CEO of ACM Biolabs, commented “We are very pleased to be working on this important issue with Sanphar, and these positive results provide additional proof of the effectiveness of our system. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Sanphar and moving rapidly towards getting a vaccine approved.” He added, “This demonstration shows that with ACM technology we can generate effective vaccines quickly once the DNA sequence is identified.”
About ACM Biolabs Pte Ltd
ACM Biolabs is a synthetic biology company using its proprietary Artificial Cell Membrane (“ACM”) technology platform to allow its customers to develop diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines targeting novel membrane proteins. ACM technology is being used by the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies to develop products requiring membrane proteins that are difficult or impossible to work with using traditional methods. ACM Biolabs has licensed technology from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore’s national research agency.
About SANPHAR Animal Health
Founded in 1992, SANPHAR Animal Health was acquired by the ERBER GROUP in July 2007. The ERBER GROUP is a globally known multinational company headquartered in Austria, with several patents and extensive investments in biotechnology and animal nutrition. The development of innovative solutions allows SANPHAR to offer the veterinary market products and services that meet individual needs for better results in animal husbandry and animal welfare. SANPHAR has its roots in Brazil and Latin America; it opened the SANPHAR Animal Health Research Center in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam in 2015.