Medical booths at annual conferences such as the American Society of Hematology are a prime opportunity to highlight a pharmaceutical company’s pipeline and products to healthcare professionals.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Oct. 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Medical booths at annual conferences such as the American Society of Hematology are a prime opportunity to highlight a pharmaceutical company’s pipeline and products to healthcare professionals.
However, new technologies and compliance concerns have made it challenging for some medical communications leaders to update their company’s approach to educational displays at medical booths. When should an iPad be used instead of a static panel? Should all therapeutic areas (TAs) be treated the same?
To share current pharmaceutical medical booth practices, research and consulting leader Best Practices, LLC has published a new study, “Medical Meeting Excellence: Best Practices in Improving Medical Information/Affairs Booth Impact at Critical Medical Congresses.”
The study, which includes a Hematology/Oncology segment, found that HemOnc is more aggressive than other TAs insofar as booth display methods. At least 50 percent of the HemOnc Segment use more than one type of display method for 13 of the 17 medical content types evaluated in the study. A majority of the HemOnc Segment use static panels, handouts, interactive and iPads to display their pipeline, clinical trial, and disease state information, according to the study.
The 86-page report presents insights on questions such as:
- What types of content do companies display at medical congresses/conferences and do they share it proactively or reactively?
- How do they display the content – static panels, interactively, iPads or other methods?
- How prevalent is it for companies to host poster/investigator receptions and what type of content is used?
Pharmaceutical leaders will be able to use the research results to compare their congress booth planning and execution with industry peers.
Best Practices, LLC engaged 21 Medical Affairs leaders at 20 pharmaceutical companies for this research project. In addition to utilizing a survey to collect quantitative data, the study included four executive interviews to collect qualitative data. Data in this research are presented into two segments: Hematology/Oncology vs. Non-Hematology/Oncology and Company Size (Large vs. Small Companies).
To access the full report or to download a complimentary summary containing insights found in this report, click on the following link:
For related research, visit the Best Practices, LLC Web site at
Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC’s clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis.
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