PharmaCentra LLC, announces their strategic alliance with the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association (NJCBA).
PharmaCentra LLC, one of the nation’s leading pharmaceutical services and marketing company, announces their strategic alliance with the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association (NJCBA), the state’s largest cannabis business advocacy group. “There is no denying that the cannabis industry is making significant strides both in the United States and internationally,” stated Dan Berman, CEO of PharmaCentra. “PharmaCentra specializes in providing comprehensive services to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. We are eager to continue to expand our services and professional expertise to the cannabis industry.”
PharmaCentra’s extension into the cannabis space began earlier this year. The expansion from pharma and general healthcare to also encompass the cannabis industry would be seamless, as the services required in both industries are essentially the same. According to Berman, “As more states legalize cannabis in one form or another, cannabis businesses are adopting pharmaceutical industry standards in product development, customer support and marketing strategies. This is our core strength and we look forward to offering these capabilities to cannabis-related companies as well.”
As part of their expansion into the world of cannabis, PharmaCentra formed a strategic alliance with the New JerseyCannaBusiness Association, New Jersey’s first and largest trade organization focusing on the cannabis industry.
“We are extremely excited to be working with an established and professional organization like PharmaCentra,” commented Scott Rudder, President of the NJCBA. “Dan and his team have truly innovative solutions to offer businesses focusing on the cannabis industry. Product and safety protocols, customer service support and marketing capabilities needed to be successful in the pharmaceutical industry are exactly what many cannabis industry professionals are looking for their own business.”
PharmaCentra is also thrilled to announce its cannabis-specific BPO division under the CannabisBPO brand. InPharmaCentra’s white-glove concierge service style, CannabisBPO provides 24/7 inbound and outbound contact center services, which include sales, customer service, technical support services via phone, chat, text, email and direct mail.
“Our association is a membership-based organization,” said Rudder. “Our members include large companies, small‘mom and pop’ businesses and citizens who support expanding medical cannabis and ending cannabis prohibition altogether. Developing strategies to provide greater value for our members directly, as well as for their businesses, is perfect for where we are as a rapidly expanding organization.”
Marshall Ogen, Vice President of PharmaCentra and a New Jersey native shares, “Since Governor Murphy announced his support to expand medical cannabis and legalize cannabis for adult-use, New Jersey became a focal point for this rapidly developing industry. By engaging with Scott and the entire NJCBA organization, we are positioning ourselves to provide Fortune 100-level services and support for the New Jersey market and the entire region.”
The New Jersey CannaBusiness Association’s mission is to promote jobs and growth in a sustainable and responsible cannabis industry. Starting with the pioneers in the medical cannabis market to the emerging players in the adult-use space, the NJCBA’s focus is to make certain that decision makers and regulators understand and respect the needs of the CannaBusiness community and that our community remains responsible corporate citizens. Scott Rudder is a former Republican state legislator, mayor, veteran and current government affairs executive. In addition to his government and political leadership roles, Scott led Business Development efforts for Lockheed Martin Corporation with a focus on energy systems and radar programs.
PharmaCentra, LLC is a full-service solutions-based concierge contact center that provides expert pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing and sales support and strategic patient, pharmacy and physician outreach, including Clinical Trial Recruitment, TeleSales, Pharmacy Locator, Pharmacy Teledetailing, Pharmacy Stocking, PhysicianReach, WellTouch, Crisis Management, CannabisBPO and other custom healthcare services.
Media Contact:
Kim Christmas, PharmaCentra VP of Human Resources and Community Relations • 678.671.2019
Scott Rudder, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association, President, Board of Directors, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association • 609.257.8902