Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. Enjoys Sharp Upsurge Of Patient-Family Inquiries From National Newspaper Advertising Campaign

HOUSTON, July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. , the national specialists in pediatric prosthetics, today announced that during the month of June 2006, management ran a test advertisement in small-town and county weekly newspapers in ten Midwestern states. To date, those ads have allowed the Company to identify just over 20 new prospective clients. Last week that same advertisement was placed in the weekly newspapers of 34 additional states. A proportionate response would identify as many as 60 to 70 additional prospective clients.

Linda Putback-Bean, Pediatric Prosthetics President, stated, “After experiencing a solid third quarter ended March 31, the raw revenue numbers from our Host-Affiliates indicate an even stronger fourth quarter.

“We now begin our new fiscal year with the financial strength to ramp up our outreach to the families across the country to an unprecedented degree, without sacrificing the personal attention so necessary to their children’s futures. We can now begin finding those children in need, wherever they live, fitting them quickly and comfortably and getting them back on the playground where they belong.”

Kenneth Bean, Pediatric Prosthetics VP of Operations, followed up, “We have always felt that there was a considerable population of infants and children with a limb-loss in this country whose parents would appreciate a better option. It is extremely gratifying to have our research validated. I look at our revenue trend lines over the last twelve months, I plug in the expectation of repeat fittings year after year for these kids, and then I observe the warmth of the responses from so many parents who are discovering us for the first time. We look forward to the future.”

About Pediatric Prosthetics Inc.

Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. is the national provider of specialized pediatric prosthetics for both upper and lower limbs. The Company’s CEO Linda Putback-Bean pioneered fitting state-of-the-art myoelectric upper extremity prostheses for the pediatric niche market. In the absence of a hand or arm, a child’s brain still continues sending signals to grasp or open the hand in the residual limb. Myoelectric sensors can read those signals through the skin, (requiring no surgery), and with a computer chip can magnify those signals many fold to actuate a tiny powerful motor to accomplish tasks with the life-like hand. In 2003, Ms. Putback-Bean founded Pediatric Prosthetics to create a comprehensive organization that connects parents and their children with a limb loss, to expert pediatric prosthetic fitting, rehabilitation, and life-long care. As a result, Pediatric Prosthetics hopes to increase the quality of life for patients and their families nationwide. For more information, visit

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For more information, contact: At Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. Kenneth Bean 866-582-0966 1-bean@sbcglobal.net At OTC Financial Network Geoffrey Eiten 781-444-6100x 613; Rick McCaffrey 781-444-6100x625; rick@otcfn.com

Pediatric Prosthetics Inc.

CONTACT: Kenneth Bean of Pediatric Prosthetics Inc., +1-866-582-0966,; or Geoffrey Eiten, +1-781-444-6100 ext. 613,, or Rick McCaffrey, +1-781-444-6100 ext. 625,, both of OTC Financial Network