Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd. Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor with Augmentation Index’s Utility Spurs Revision of Hypertension Treatment Guidelines

KYOTO, Japan, June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases is set to improve worldwide following the recent amendment to the treatment guidelines, which was encouraged by Omron Healthcare’s non-invasive blood pressure monitor with augmentation index, the HEM-9000AI.


At the 17th European Meeting on Hypertension held June 15-19, 2007, in Milan, Italy, delegates agreed to make the first revision to hypertension treatment guidelines in four years by deciding to add central aortic pressure to the list of blood pressure indicators to be measured in hypertension management.

In addition to having new non-invasive technologies measure radial arterial pulse wave activity, recent research indicates that blood pressure lowering drugs affect central aortic pressure differently than they do systolic pressure measured at the upper arm. Central aortic pressure is systolic blood pressure taken at the root of the aorta in the heart and instances have been found of drugs lowering upper arm systolic pressure but not central aortic pressure.

Administration of therapy to lower central aortic pressure can make treatment to lower blood pressure even more effective and thereby allow doctors to better diagnose, treat and prevent hypertension, myocardial infarction, hypertrophy of the heart, arteriosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases.

One reason why central aortic pressure has only now been added to the standard list of items for monitoring blood pressure is that an easy-to- administer, non-invasive way to measure it has only recently become available -- from Omron Healthcare. Previously, measuring central aortic pressure accurately was not easy, and the typical procedure was invasive, entailing inserting a catheter into the heart.

Omron Healthcare’s HEM-9000AI radial arterial pulse wave monitor, which debuted in Japan in 2005, makes it possible to simply, conveniently, and -- best of all -- non-invasively estimate central aortic pressure.

The HEM-9000AI is the world’s first monitor to sense Augmentation Index (AI) automatically from the late systolic blood pressure in the radial artery (r-SBP2) -- the blood pressure reading at the peak of wave reflection measured at the wrist -- using a pulse-wave sensor developed completely by Omron.

The HEM-9000AI became available in the United States in 2006, and Omron intends to launch the device in Europe, China, Taiwan, and Korea in the near future. The HEM-9000AI is currently in clinical studies in many countries, and Omron Healthcare is committed to developing even easier-to-use models to lead to wider adoption. The company is also cooperating with medical institutions to further utilize the monitor effectively.

About Omron Healthcare

Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Omron Corp and is based in Kyoto. A specialist firm in healthcare equipment for home and medical use, including digital blood pressure monitors, digital thermometers, body fat meters, and nebulizers, Omron Healthcare employs about 3,300 staff worldwide and recorded sales to March 2007 of 65.7 billion yen. Its president is Keiichiro Akahoshi.

CONTACT: Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd. Public Relations Department Kaori Iijima E-mail: Tel: +81-75-322-9309

Photo: NewsCom: Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comOmron Healthcare Co., Ltd.

CONTACT: Kaori Iijima, PR Department, Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd.,+81-75-322-9309,