Nuts And Bolts Advice About What Not To Do In Job Interviews

Jennifer Nycz-Conner / Washington Business Journal / I’m a sucker for 1-2-3 journalism. Five tricks to increase Web traffic? 18 things you must do to get the job? Six ways to flatter abs? Yup. Put a number in the headline, and I’ll read each and every one. Yet somehow, they never deliver what I’m looking for. These articles always seem to focus more on the ethereal than the practical. I want concrete, here’s-how-you-do-it steps.

An article I read last week about things not do in interviews grabbed my attention, but instead of actionable advice, it was a round-up of crazy things people have done. While I’m all up for a good tale or two of a candidate breaking out a baloney sandwich in the middle of a conversation, I was looking for something else.

So I decided to go out and find it myself. I asked some of the smartest HR people, recruiters and hiring managers I know what they would just as soon never deal with again when it came to interviewing candidates. Here are 10 things they said:

1. Not answering the questions. Whether it’s trying to be too clever with questions about salary ranges, or wanting to get out a piece of information, or just plain nerves, candidates often dance around the question asked. This is not a cable news channel interview. You are not a political candidate who can get away with answering, “I don’t know about that, but what I can tell you is ...” and then moving into your talking points. Answer what’s being asked.

2. Using bad canned answers. No, your greatest weakness isn’t being a perfectionist. Really, it’s not. Be honest in your answer, and then show the steps you’ve gone to resolve said quality.

3. Not showing up on time. To quote one recruiter, “On time is too late; late is unacceptable.” Addendum to this, though: Show up early, but don’t go IN early. Get yourself situated, and only check-in a few minutes ahead of time.

4. Not appearing professional. Dress appropriately. Err on the side of conservative when in doubt. Appearances also apply to what you’re carrying. Upon seeing one candidate with papers hanging out of his portfolio, one recruiter could only imagine what that meant about his organizational abilities, and even what his office would like.

5. Avoiding the salary question. They’re going to ask. You need to answer. Yes, there are thousands of articles about how he who gives the first number loses, blah blah blah. Guess what? They’ve heard all those answers a thousand times before you already. Stand out by knowing what you want and asking for it in a way that still allows for negotiation. That could mean a range, offering research of comparable salaries or something else creative.

6. Not having done any research. They’re called the InterWebs. Use them. Know the company, and know the position you’re interviewing for.

7. Rambling. Employers want someone who can speak well. Have a conversation, but try to stay on point. And give the other person room to respond or at least breathe.

8. Jumping into benefits too early. Save the detailed questions for when you’re getting closer to an offer. “Companies want to know if the person is interested in them, not how much their co-pays are,” one HR expert pointed out.

9. Leaving your cell phone on. Turn it off. Not on vibrate, so you’re tempted to look. Off. If you need it on for a reason (child care, for example), explain why.

10. Remembering why you are there. This company is interviewing you because they have a problem that needs solving. It is your mission to show them how you can solve it, not to talk about yourself.

However, this one comes with an asterisk: While you need to remember it’s all about them externally, don’t forget about you during your inner monologue. Your goal isn’t to get this job, it’s to find the right job. Make sure you’re asking questions that will help you decide if this really is the right place. To quote one wise recruiter: “Candidates give all this time and attention to silly strategies for negotiating title and salary, when in reality, they would make more money and climb the career ladder faster if they focused on ‘What exactly do you want me to accomplish in my first year, and how are you setting me up to succeed or fail at that?’”