Nikon Inc.'s New iNEXIV Multi-Sensor Measuring System Offers 3D Image Documentation

MELVILLE, N.Y., Jan. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikon Instruments Inc., ( today announced it is expanding its line of NEXIV Video Measuring System products to include the iNEXIV VMA-2520. The new multi- sensor measuring system is light weight and compact enough to be used in the factory on the bench top, with fast, fully automatic and high accuracy features that make it ideally suited for a wide variety of industrial measuring, inspection and quality control applications. The iNEXIV is designed to measure 3D workpieces, is touch probe ready, integrates the latest imaging processing software and incorporates a new 10x optical zoom system and Laser Auto Focus option.

The iNEXIV is specifically designed for measuring 3D workpieces. Its 200 mm Z axis measuring range together with an optical system featuring a long 73.5mm working distance enables easy measurements of tall mechanical parts, plastic injection molded parts, electronics components, and medical devices. The iNEXIV is also pre-wired from the start to be touch probe ready -- an essential capability for the automotive industry and others. This feature, available in the summer of 2007, will provide future upgrade possibilities, making probing easy for the establishment of datum surfaces and side walls for precise quality control of prismatic 3D parts, where vision sensing cannot be used.

“Nikon has capitalized upon its deep knowledge and experience to create an automated measurement system designed for accuracy as well as ease of use,” said Mike Metzger, General Manager, Industrial Microscopy & Metrology. “Never before has a NEXIV product included so many high technology features at such a low, affordable price.”

To further enhance its advanced measuring capabilities, the iNEXIV has integrated the latest image processing software, making this system a powerful photo documentation tool. Even three-dimensional objects can be easily documented and viewed in their relative 3D form with precise proportionality when created with the extended depth of field software in which all Z axis data stays in focus. The software also generates accurate 2D stitched panoramic images captured with CNC XY stage precision, making super wide FOV (field of view) observation possible.

A newly designed 10X optical zoom system has an ultra low distortion of less than 0.1%, and features an Apochromatic Objective Lens with a High Numerical Aperture NA (0.11) designed for maximum resolution and excellent color correction performance which is especially important when using the standard LED illumination.

In addition to the standard Vision AF, (Auto Focus) a fast Laser AF option is also available enabling sub micron resolution for height measurements regardless of any zoom magnification setting.

About Nikon Instruments Inc.

Nikon Instruments Inc. is a global leader in the development of advanced optical technology. Its product line includes microscopy equipment, digital imaging, precision measuring and semiconductor wafer inspection equipment. Nikon is committed to providing technologically advanced instruments that offer optimal versatility, performance and productivity. Nikon combines state- of-the-art capabilities with innovative designs to produce optically superior, ergonomically friendly products for cutting-edge scientific research, medical and industrial applications. For more information visit the NEXIV Web site at or the Nikon Web site at Product related inquiries can be directed to Nikon Instruments at 800-52-NIKON.

Nikon Instruments Inc.

CONTACT: Vicki Banner,, or Hilary Halliwell,, +1-973-966-1100