New Product Announcement from CambridgeSoft Corporation

Cambridge, MA — July 13, 2009 ChemBioOffice 2010 is the latest release of CambridgeSoft Corporation’s full suite of integrated scientific desktop applications designed to aid individual chemists and biologists at their desktops, while also providing a shared solution benefiting scientists across an institution.

“Our goal with every new ChemBioOffice release is to continue to enhance the CambridgeSoft toolbox scientists have depended on for years in their research.” said Michael G. Tomasic, Chairman and CEO of CambridgeSoft. “By maintaining the familiar look and feel while at the same time adding powerful functionality, ChemBioOffice 2010 continues this tradition with a solution that will improve the communication, efficiency and productivity across organizations and in a wide range of scientific settings”.

ChemBioOffice 2010’s three core applications - ChemBioDraw, ChemBio3D and ChemBioFinder/ChemBioViz – remain at the heart of the ChemBioOffice Ultra 2010 suite. New developments in ChemDraw include improvements to Name? Struct and the Sequence Tool, new BioDraw Pathway Templates, Rotation about Arbitrary Centers, ChemScript Integration, support for full RBG Color, and more. ChemBio3D adds Stochastic Conformational Analysis, the MMFF94 Force Field is enhanced to use multiple processors for calculations, a new fast multi-pole method for electrostatics, truncation approximations and a user-settable dielectric constant. ChemBioFinder/ChemBioViz now features Clustering and integration with STATISTICA Base for more in depth statistical analysis.

Other significant offerings in the collection include desktop versions of CambridgeSoft’s Enterprise applications E-Notebook, BioAssay, Inventory, and access to a number of important online databases such as ChemACX (for up-to-date product information from over 500 chemical vendors) and the ChemIndex compound reference database. Partner applications MNova-Lite (visualization and analysis of NMR data) and STATISTICA Base (data analysis), and a host of other tools, round out the integrated solution.


ChemBioDraw provides high quality structural drawing, analysis and querying for chemists, and offers biologists their own first-class tools for drawing and annotating biological pathways. With integration a key objective, ChemDraw and BioDraw documents use the same native file formats, ensuring information can be seamlessly communicated between different teams of scientists, and easily exported for use in presentations and publications.


ChemBio3D provides molecular modeling and eye-catching graphical visualization of small molecules and proteins involved in chemical and biological processes. For macromolecules, ChemBio3D can render cartoon depictions of proteins and nucleic acids making it possible to carry out state-of-the-art protein visualization on the desktop, and provides interfaces to GAMESS, Gaussian, Schrödinger’s Jaguar and the latest MOPAC.


ChemBioViz with ChemBioFinder, provides a visualization tool to correlate chemical data with biological activity. Features include descriptive statistical results which are shown on plots and Compound Profiles, a way of visually comparing and ranking structures based on values of selected properties.


Tying these applications together is ChemScript, a chemical Python extension language from CambridgeSoft which provides. ChemScript a set of classes and methods for working with atoms, bonds, and the other properties of molecules, reactions, and 3D models.

And More…

In addition to the three core applications ChemBioOffice 2010 also offers a number of other new and updated components to the suite. E-Notebook Ultra, BioAssay Ultra, and Inventory Ultra are designed to deliver much of the functionality of CambridgeSoft’s enterprise level applications of these products to individual scientists at their desktops.

About CambridgeSoft

CambridgeSoft develops and markets life science enterprise solutions for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical companies and academic research organizations. Software products include enterprise, workgroup and desktop, versions of Chem & Bio Office, including Chem & Bio Draw, with knowledge management, chemical and biological informatics, and scientific database solutions. Web sites include ChemBioFinder.Com and ChemBioNews.Com for indexed database content and news, and SciStore.Com for e-commerce. For information about CambridgeSoft products, services, and sales worldwide, please visit, or call 1 617 588-9300 in America, in Europe call 00 800 875 20000, or in Japan call 0120-146-700.