Navitus Launches a New Website and Refreshed Brand to Further Its Mission to Make Prescription Benefits More Affordable

Navitus Health Solutions, a full-service prescription benefit manager (PBM), is pleased to announce the launch of its new website and refreshed brand at

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Navitus Health Solutions, a full-service prescription benefit manager (PBM), is pleased to announce the launch of its new website and refreshed brand at The new site features a modern design, improved functionality and easy access to essential information to help benefit purchasers make well-informed prescription benefit decisions. The site will also more effectively convey the company’s mission and capabilities as it continues to make prescription benefits more affordable.

“We are excited about our new website launch and the robust information it provides for potential customers as well as the easy access it offers members, pharmacies, prescribers and others to their portals,” said Byron Mickle, Senior Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. “We believe this new website will allow our guests to have a very informative experience where they can learn more about our unique approach to prescription benefits and make a more educated decision when it comes to selecting a PBM.”

The new website offers robust resources to assist benefit purchasers as they evaluate complex PBM contracts, business models and pricing. Resources range from informative e-books, webinars and podcasts to in-depth reports and client case studies.

The refreshed branding, featured on the new website, positions the company as a modern, alternative solution to traditional PBMs and demonstrates its ability to meet today’s rapidly changing healthcare needs. The brand’s story capitalizes on the company’s strengths to deliver a unique, client-centric experience. When combined with its 100 percent pass-through model, lowest-net-cost philosophy and clinical care model, clients receive a substantial savings, while improving member health. The overall experience in working with Navitus is captured through its vibrant brand imagery and new tagline: Pharmacy Benefits Reinvented. Although the tagline is new, as a pioneer in pass through, Navitus has been reinventing pharmacy benefits for over 15 years.

“We believe we offer a better, more affordable solution and we simply want more plan sponsors to know about it and realize there’s an alternative to traditional PBM business models —and our new rebranding and website help us do that,” added Mickle. “Like any PBM, we work with pharmacies and manufacturers to secure the best drug pricing and rebates possible for our clients. However, we’re reinventing pharmacy benefits with our full pass-through model and focus on delivering the lowest-net-cost medications. We pass 100 percent of all money, including rebates we receive, directly back to our clients. As a result, our clients experience lower year-over-year drug spend, typically 10-15% lower, which shows up in decreased PMPM expenses and reduced overall costs. For example, in 2017 we provided substantially lower costs for our clients, achieving an industry leading net cost per-member-per-month (PMPM) of $76.56 across our commercial business, which is 15.5 percent lower than the industry average of the largest PBMs at $90.66 PMPM.”

Navitus’ new website will be updated regularly to provide the latest news and perspectives on prescription benefits, insightful tools and informative events. Guests are encouraged to peruse the new website at and sign up for blogs and email alerts.

About Navitus

Navitus Health Solutions, LLC, a division of SSM Health, is a full-service, URAC-accredited pharmacy benefit management company. As a zero-spread, full pass through pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), Navitus aligns performance with plan sponsors’ benefit goals to deliver comprehensive clinical programs and cost-saving strategies that lower drug trend and promote good member health. Navitus provides its flexible services to government entities, self-funded employers, coalitions, labor organizations, third-party administrators, and health plans, including managed Medicaid, Exchanges, and Medicare Part D. For more information about Navitus’ tangible solutions to the rising cost of pharmaceutical care, visit or call 877-571-7500.


Debi Lerkins at 480.498.6255 or

Source: Navitus