Narayana Health in India Joins the TriNetX Network to Drive Innovation and Attract Global Clinical Trials

Narayana Health, headquartered in Bengaluru, India, has joined the TriNetX global health research network to help increase access to data that can drive innovation and expose them to more locally relevant global clinical trials.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Narayana Health, headquartered in Bengaluru, India, has joined the TriNetX global health research network to help increase access to data that can drive innovation and expose them to more locally relevant global clinical trials. As a world leader in cardiac care and currently offering a host of other specialties in cancer, vascular sciences, neurological sciences and others, Narayana Health (NH) is looking to build on its unique ability to deliver affordable, accessible, evidence-based healthcare at the highest quality standards.

“Data drives innovation and continuous innovation brings about change,” said Dr. Alben Sigamani, Head Clinical Research at Narayana Health. “Having the ability to transform paper-based data into a digital record that is securely accessible to NH stakeholders will certainly ignite research and innovation. We look forward to greater visibility for our network spread across India and to be recognized as a center of excellence in data-driven healthcare innovation.”

Narayana Health operates a network of hospitals across India with a particularly strong presence in the southern state of Karnataka and eastern India, as well as an emerging presence in northern, western and central India. Their first facility was established in Bengaluru with approximately 225 operational beds and has since grown to 22 hospitals, 6 heart centers, 19 primary care facilities across India and an international hospital in the Cayman Islands. The group now features over 6,000 operational beds through a combination of greenfield projects and acquisitions.

“We selected TriNetX because they are transparent in their engagement architecture,” said Dr. Sigamani. “The platform provides full access to the system without any external dependency. Security protocols followed within TriNetX are futuristic and provide assurance to compliance with all regulatory standards.”

TriNetX is the global health research network enabling healthcare organizations (HCOs), biopharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations (CROs) to collaborate, enhance trial design, improve site selection and planning, and bring new therapies to market faster. Each member of TriNetX shares in the consolidated value of its global, federated health research network that connects clinical researchers in real-time to the patient populations which they are attempting to study.

TriNetX offers the fastest growing collaborative research network representing over 170 HCOs and health data partners, spanning 30 countries. TriNetX has presented over 7,800 clinical trial opportunities to its HCO members and has been cited in more than 200 publications.

“We are pleased to welcome Narayana Health to the TriNetX Network,” said Steve Lethbridge, Senior Vice President of Global Healthcare Partnerships at TriNetX. “We are confident we can help them expand their research and clinical trial opportunities and drive innovation for their organization.”

About Narayana Health
With all super specialty tertiary care facilities that the medical world offers, Narayana Health is a one-stop healthcare destination for all. Founded by Dr. Devi Shetty and headquartered in Bengaluru, Narayana Health group is the second largest healthcare provider in the country in terms of operational bed count. The first facility was established with approximately 225 operational beds in 2000 at NH Health City in Bengaluru. The Company today, runs a chain of multispecialty, tertiary and primary healthcare facilities across India with a network of 24 hospitals and 7 heart centers and a single hospital overseas at Cayman Islands with over 6,200 operational beds across all its centers and potential to reach a capacity of around 7,300 beds.

About TriNetX
TriNetX is the global health research network that connects the world of drug discovery and development from pharmaceutical company to study site, and investigator to patient by sharing real-world data to make clinical and observational research easier and more efficient. TriNetX combines real time access to longitudinal clinical data with state-of-the-art analytics to optimize protocol design and feasibility, site selection, patient recruitment, and enable discoveries through the generation of real-world evidence. The TriNetX platform is HIPAA and GDPR compliant. For more information, visit TriNetX at or follow @TriNetX on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Jennifer Haas
(857) 285-6052

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