MRI Assisted Radiosurgery (MARS) Utilizing C4 Imaging’s Sirius Positive-Signal MRI Marker Is A Cost-Effective Option For The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

HOUSTON, Aug. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- C4 Imaging LLC announced today that the American Brachytherapy Society’s journal, Brachytherapy, has published a special issue focused on MRI-based prostate brachytherapy1. This issue contains 15 individual papers describing all elements of MRI-based prostate brachytherapy, from key clinical techniques to the efficacy and cost effectiveness of the procedure.

A key paper2 describes the use of positive contrast magnetic resonance imaging markers (Sirius MRI Marker) when treating prostate cancer and concludes the procedure is feasible, accurate and reduces uncertainties. The study was conducted at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.

Brachytherapy, or radioactive seed implantation is a cost-effective option for the curative treatment of prostate cancer. Brachytherapy involves implanting around 100 tiny radioactive seeds into the prostate. It’s minimally invasive, effective and convenient, with a low incidence of erectile dysfunction and other side effects. Radiation released from the seeds penetrates the prostate tissue at a limited distance, with most of the radiation concentrated within the prostate. Outcomes after brachytherapy can be excellent, but depend greatly on the quality of the implant.

“The recently published data on MRI-guided prostate brachytherapy, also known as MRI assisted radiosurgery or MARS, demonstrates that it leads to high quality treatment that minimizes the delivery of radiation to critical anatomical structures around the prostate,” said Steven J. Frank MD, Founder and Chairman of C4 Imaging. “If seeds can be more precisely localized with MRI in the prostate, it may lead to more effective treatment and better patient outcomes for patients with prostate cancer.”

“This significant publication further demonstrates the evolving and increasingly important role of MRI in managing prostate cancer patients,” said Andrew Bright, President and CEO of C4 Imaging. “We believe that all men diagnosed with prostate cancer should, at a minimum, be able to discuss the benefits of MRI-guided brachytherapy with their physician.”


C4 Imaging is focused on developing innovative medical devices that enable clinicians to more accurately perform image-guided procedures. C4 Imaging’s patent portfolio is centered on its proprietary positive-signal MRI contrast agent (C4) and encapsulation technologies.

C4 Imaging’s first product is the Sirius MRI Marker. Sirius is the first commercially available positive-signal MRI Marker and is a permanently implantable medical device used in the management of prostate cancer. In prostate brachytherapy, Sirius MRI Markers are attached to radioactive seeds and inserted into the prostate. Physicians can view and evaluate seed placement utilizing MRI, allowing for an accurate assessment of treatment quality.

C4 Imaging is also developing products that address significant clinical needs outside of prostate cancer; with breast biopsy and improved radiotherapy delivery being future target markets.

For further information please contact:
Andrew Bright
President and CEO
C4 Imaging
Tel: 609 933 5895

1. Brachytherapy: Volume 16, Number 4, July August 2017
2. Brachytherapy 16 (4), 761 769, 2017

Copyright © 2017

Sirius is a trademark of C4 Imaging LLC.

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