A new survey found that nearly all (87%) of the respondents desire meaningful change in their lives.
Lack of Discipline is #1 Obstacle Stopping Us From Achieving Change
COCOA, Fla. and MARBLEHEAD, Mass., April 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- A new survey found that nearly all (87%) of the respondents desire meaningful change in their lives. Surprisingly, the survey found that the greatest obstacle stopping people from making change was discipline (30%), followed by money (19%), fear (17%), and time (10%). The survey, which had 300 respondents, was conducted by Brant Menswar and Jim Trick, co-authors of the new book, Rock ‘N’ Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change, to uncover the barriers we face when trying to make a significant change in our lives.
“While most people might believe that fear is what stops us from making meaningful change, the truth is far more sobering,” says Brant Menswar, co-author of Rock ‘N’ Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change. “Discipline is 100% controllable by choice. If people will devote the time to invest in themselves, they will discover different ways to stay committed to the change they desire.”
The survey found that physical/health (30%) is the top area where respondents want to make meaningful change, followed by career (23%), and relationships (13%).
Similarly, the survey found the area where people have experienced the most difficult change in their lives was physical/health (29%), followed by relationships (19%) and finances (13%).
Over 60% of respondents said that the most difficult change happened unexpectedly while others experienced difficulty when they were intentionally trying to make a change (39%).
“Health and relationships accounted for 50% of the most difficult change people have experienced,” says Trick, co-author of Rock ‘N’ Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change. “Most of that change happened unexpectedly. Core values help us stay committed to the change we desire when the storms in our lives roll in.”
The survey found that the top obstacles to achieving meaningful change are:
1. Discipline (30%)
2. Money (19%)
3. Fear (17%)
4. I don’t know (13%)
5. Time (10%)
6. Lack of Support (5%)
7. Lack of Training (4%)
To read the full report, visit: www.changewhatspossible.com.
About Rock ‘N’ Roll With It
Brant Menswar and Jim Trick’s new book, Rock ‘N’ Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change, shares the transformational power of change and guides us through embracing and thriving with life’s changes.