Moberg Derma Receives Grant From Vinnova For Pharmaceutical Project

The pharmaceutical company Moberg Derma has received a grant of SEK 4,2 million from Vinnova (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems). The grant will be used to develop an innovative patent-protected pharmaceutical product that will further strengthen the company’s position in the area of topical antifungals.

“We are very pleased that we have been awarded this grant which enables a faster development of the project and also for the recognition of our product development concept that it represents. The project will be conducted in co-operation with the Sahlgrenska University Hospital among others”, comments Peter Wolpert, CEO of Moberg Derma.

Moberg Derma is developing a portfolio of medical products for skin disorders based on the company’s patented technology as well as acquired projects. This spring the company announced its first commercial agreement and it intends to expand its existing product portfolio through in-house development as well as through further acquisitions.

Contact Moberg Derma

Peter Wolpert, CEO

Telephone: +46 8 - 522 307 00

Mobil3: +46 70 - 735 71 35


Dr. Kjell Rensfeldt, Medical Director

Telephone: +46 8 - 522 307 00

Mobile: +46 70 - 712 45 32


About Moberg Derma

Moberg Derma AB, Stockholm, Sweden, develops and commercializes patented medical products for the treatment of skin disorders. The company focuses on innovative products based on proven compounds. Moberg Derma outlicenses product rights to partners and distributors while maintaining certain promotion rights for the Nordic region. The company began operations at the Karolinska Institute in 2006 and currently has 10 employees. The principal owners are Östersjöstiftelsen (the Baltic Sea Foundation), private investors and management. For further information, please visit: