Lipotype announces “Lipidomics Excellence Award” for Breakthrough Lipidomics Projects

The international scientific community is called to submit applications for the premiere of the world’s first award for cutting edge contributions to the progress of life sciences through lipidomics, the 2019 “Lipidomics Excellence Award” (LEA) until 30 March, 2019. Prof. Dr. Kai Simons, Professor and Director Emeritus at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden and Founder and CEO of Lipotype,

Dresden/Germany, 16 January, 2019. The international scientific community is called to submit applications for the premiere of the world’s first award for cutting edge contributions to the progress of life sciences through lipidomics, the 2019 “Lipidomics Excellence Award” (LEA) until 30 March, 2019. Prof. Dr. Kai Simons, Professor and Director Emeritus at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden and Founder and CEO of Lipotype, explains: “Blood analyses are standard when it comes to disease research. However, more than 99% of all blood ‘fats’, so-called lipids, are mostly ignored. Despite the broad consensus that those can be strong markers for disease, research remains limited in this field.”

Lipidomics is crucial when it comes to progress in life sciences and in industries like pharma, biotech, food, cosmetics and clinical or academic research. The “science of the lipids” focusses on the analysis of lipids and their role for certain processes – e.g. many major diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer are already known to involve lipids. Lipotype Shotgun Lipidomics is an effective routine that allows for the analysis of hundreds of lipids in only a few minutes with absolute quantification.

LEA applicants shall outline their idea for a project they think can be boosted by a detailed lipid analysis. The winner will receive 55,000 EUR worth of analysis services in order to put their idea to test and present their research at an internationally leading experts summit for lipids and lipidomics, the EMBO Workshop “Lipid function in health and disease” in Dresden (Sept 27th - 30th, 2019).

Full text here:

LEA 2019 website:

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