iSpecimen today announced it is deeply engaged in the battle against COVID-19, supporting researchers who are working on urgently needed vaccines, tests and treatments for the deadly viral disease.
LEXINGTON, Mass., April 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- iSpecimen today announced it is deeply engaged in the battle against COVID-19, supporting researchers who are working on urgently needed vaccines, tests and treatments for the deadly viral disease. The novel coronavirus is one of the highest priorities of medicine today, and iSpecimen’s immediate response is integral to the company’s long-term mission. For eight years, the company has advanced medical progress by connecting researchers with the human biospecimens and data they need to perform their work. Through iSpecimen, COVID-19 researchers are procuring:
iSpecimen is currently wait listing requests for the following:
‘Fight of a lifetime’ Many of the samples iSpecimen is managing will be used for the development of serology tests that detect coronavirus antibodies to indicate whether a person previously had the disease. These tests will be critical to understanding the prevalence rate of COVID-19 and whether we’ve reached “herd immunity.” Serology tests will also help determine which individuals can return to normal work and social life. Recovered patients are presumed to be resistant to reinfection. “COVID-19 is the fight of a lifetime, and researchers urgently need specimens,” said iSpecimen Founder and CEO Christopher Ianelli, MD, PhD. “Every day that we can help researchers by making it easier for them to get research samples is a day sooner that life can return to normal for all of us. We’ll keep working to re-arm researchers on the front lines of discovery.” Samples are available with a full complement of compliant, de-identified patient and specimen data such as patient age, gender, ethnicity, race, and test results. For prospective, custom research collections, additional data such as comorbidities, medications, procedures and outcomes are available. Healthy, normal control samples are also available for all specimen types. Specimens are collected under the oversight of an institutional review board (IRB), independent ethics committee (IEC) or other appropriate committee. For information on samples and data from COVID-19 patients, contact iSpecimen or view their selection of current COVID-19 samples online. About iSpecimen
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