Harmony in the Air This Spring in Sherbrooke

The Government of Canada supports the OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec

The Government of Canada supports the OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec

SHERBROOKE, QC, May 3, 2019 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada is committed to supporting organizations stage community festivals showcasing local artists.

The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, today announced $58,800 in funding for the OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec.

This investment is being made though the Local Festivals component of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program. The gathering will feature hundreds of free musical performances throughout downtown Sherbrooke along the Lac-des-Nations boardwalk and in health care centres and hospitals across the city.


“The OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec makes music accessible to people who might not have the opportunity to take in the performances of dozens of musicians. We are proud to support this cultural gathering that makes their art accessible to all.”

– The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism

“Over the years, the OFF Festival des harmonies has become a key event for Sherbrooke musicians, who have made it their own and are always happy to take part.”

Jean-Marie Messier, Executive Director of the Corporation du Printemps musical

Quick Facts

The OFF Festival showcases the wealth of musical talent and ensembles in the Sherbrooke area, and encourages musicians to share their music with the public. The 16th OFF Festival will run from May 9 to June 2, 2019 in conjunction with the 90th anniversary of the Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec. It will feature more than 60 musicians.

The 2019 program includes 21 dinner concerts at four restaurants, three concerts at indoor venues, 32 outdoor concerts on the Lac-des-Nations Boardwalk, 29 concerts at 11 health care centres and 80 introductory music workshops in elementary schools across Sherbrooke.

The Local Festivals component of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program provides financial assistance to local groups that organize recurring festivals and highlight the work of local artists and artisans or support local heritage efforts.

Related Links

Local Festivals – Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program

OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec

SOURCE Canadian Heritage