Hamamatsu Photonics Introduces NanoZoomer (NDP) with Fluorescence Option

Hamamatsu Photonics introduce the NanoZoomer Digital Pathology (NDP), a revolutionary system for scanning tissue glass sides and converting them rapidly to high resolution digital slides. In addition to the NDP standard brightfield configuration, there is an optional fluorescence illumination unit, which enables the NDP to scan fluorescence labelled samples. The fluorescence unit (L10387) is composed of fluorescence illumination optics, a light source, 3 standard filters and calibration slides.

A unique TDI (Time Delay and Integration) CCD technology with individual sensors for red, green and blue colours, enables the system to scan fluorescence labelled tissue samples with superb colour fidelity and convert them to high resolution digital slides.

The benefits of using digital fluorescence slides include:

• Repeated viewing of slides with reduced possibility of bleaching the sample
• Electronic archiving of entire slides at high resolution
• Unlimited duplication of rare or fragile tissue slides
• Distribution and viewing of slides over local and wide area networks
• Easy annotation of slides for training and discussion purposes
• Convenient side by side comparison of labelled and unlabelled slides
• Readily accessible by data analysis software for quantitative analysis

For further information, contact us on freephone: 00 800 800 800 88 Email: Europe@hamamatsu.com or visit our website: www.sales.hamamatsu.com