FDA Consumer Health Information - FDA, Multilaterals Team Up for Product Safety

SILVER SPRING, Md., Oct. 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- From the time you take your morning vitamin until you brush your teeth at night, U.S. consumers use many products imported from other countries.

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The Food and Drug Administration says 40 percent of fresh produce and 80 percent of the active ingredients in medications come into the United States from outside our borders. And that doesn’t count animal feed, medical devices, cosmetics, and other FDA-regulated products that flood the U.S. from abroad.

Because the neighborhood grocery and corner drug store are now global marketplaces, FDA is working with multilateral organizations to ensure the safety of food and drugs in the United States.

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FDA Consumer Updates may be posted and published elsewhere without permission. Please credit “FDA Consumer Health Information (www.fda.gov/consumer)” as the source. FDA values feedback on its consumer health information. Send questions, comments, or story ideas to: consumerinfo@fda.hhs.gov.

Media Contact: Jason Brodsky, 301-796-8234, Jason.Brodsky@fda.hhs.gov

SOURCE U.S. Food and Drug Administration