STOCKHOLM, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News: Order bookings rose 18* percent. Order backlog at an all time high level of SEK 7,267 M. • Net sales amounted to SEK 6,689 M, an increase by 18* percent. • Operating profit rose 28 percent to SEK 830 M (650). • Net profit amounted to SEK 546 M (406). • Earnings per share increased by 35 percent to SEK 6.00 (4.44). • Cash flow from operating activities improved to SEK 740 M (319). Cash flow after investments was positive SEK 580 M (neg. 280). • The Board proposes an increase of the dividend to SEK 2.00 (1.75) per share, corresponding to around SEK 184 M and 33 percent of net profit. • In fiscal year 2009/10, net sales are expected to grow by more than 8 percent in local currency. Operating profit in SEK is expected to grow by more than 35 percent.