TORONTO, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire/ - Dalton Medicinal Chemistry Partners, the Medicinal Chemistry arm of Dalton Pharma Services, announces that it has achieved a targeted milestone in its Medicinal Chemistry agreement with Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. The milestone achievement triggered payment of an undisclosed amount.
Dalton Medicinal Chemistry Partners is utilizing their medicinal chemistry expertise to design and synthesize novel compounds against an antiviral target selected by Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Peter Pekos, President of Dalton Pharma Services, said: “We are pleased to achieve this milestone in our exciting partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. It is a pleasure working with the talented team at BI.”
About Dalton
Dalton Chemical Laboratories Inc. o/a Dalton Pharma Services is a Health Canada approved contract pharmaceutical manufacturer that supplies chemistry and analytical services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries in the areas of chemistry, medicinal chemistry and fine chemical manufacture. Dalton provides cGMP manufacturing and sterile filling services to its customers at any stage of the regulatory process (Phase I, II, III or commercial). In its state of the art cGMP facilities, Dalton produces active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) at the gram or kilogram scale. Dalton carries out sterile fills to produce batches of finished drug product in vials or syringes, either aseptically filled or terminally sterilized, under fully validated conditions. In addition, Dalton’s analytical chemistry laboratory offers method development, validation and ICH stability programs to its clients.
CONTACT: Peter Pekos, President & CEO, Dalton Pharma Services, 349 Wildcat
Road, Toronto, Ontario,, Tel: (416) 661-2102, Fax: (416)