MANA RBM’s network of clinical researchers reported that research sites are eliminating onsite monitoring visits.
NEW ORLEANS, March 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- MANA RBM‘s network of clinical researchers reported that research sites are eliminating onsite monitoring visits. If onsite monitoring visits are a Sponsor’s main oversight approach, the solution to this critical problem is available now.
MANA RBM provides remote, automated risk-based monitoring (RBM) customized to a site’s protocol. The company delivers its solution, customized to the areas of greatest concern, specific to a study. Subject review can begin within days.
“We recently published an example of this successful approach, adding remote Risk Based Monitoring to trials being conducted with traditional SDV,” said Penny Manasco, M.D., CEO of MANA RBM. “Within days, we started remote subject review. Within 2 months, we identified critical errors that SDV did not find.”
Here is the link to the head to head comparison:
For Sponsors and Clinical Research decision makers that want to protect their subjects, protect their study, and protect their asset, contact MANA RBM immediately to get started. Contact Penelope Manasco, M.D at or 919-556-9456.
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