Combating Cancer With Color And Canvas:Eli Lilly and Company Oncology On Canvas(TM) International Art Competition Call For Entries

INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- It is not unusual for a cancer survivor to refer to his or her road to recovery as a journey. Some go as far as to put these journeys on canvas.

In honor of World Cancer Day* (February 4), and the journeys traveled by the millions of people with cancer worldwide, Eli Lilly and Company and the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) announced a call for entries for the 2006 Lilly Oncology on Canvas: Expressions of a Cancer Journey International Art Competition and Exhibition. The competition invites people diagnosed with any type of cancer, their families and friends, cancer advocates, healthcare providers, as well as artists and art students to express, through art and in narrative, their own cancer journeys.

This is the second competition and exhibition presented by Lilly Oncology and NCCS. In 2004, the first Lilly Oncology on Canvas Art Competition and Exhibition received more than 400 pieces of art from 23 countries around the world. This rich and enduring collection of artwork has been traveling the world and continues to touch the hearts and minds of people everywhere.

“Lilly Oncology on Canvas brings us all closer to the heart of the cancer journey, enabling those who view the exhibit to experience the range of emotions that cancer survivors or those who care for them experience, and find hope in their inspirational artworks,” said NCCS President and CEO Ellen Stovall. Stovall, a two-time, 34-year cancer survivor, will serve on this year’s judging panel.

Lilly created the contest and exhibition as a way to honor the patient and assist in the everyday struggles and successes patients, physicians and caregivers face. “Lilly is committed to treating the whole person as well as the disease by developing treatments that offer real hope, as well as programs that go beyond traditional drug development,” said Richard Gaynor, M.D., Lilly vice president, cancer research and global oncology platform leader.

“People affected by cancer experience a range of complex emotions which are often difficult to express. Lilly Oncology on Canvas helps to give these emotions a voice, one that has resonance and meaning,” Gaynor said.

2006 Contest Details

Contest entries will be accepted now through July 31, 2006. Art in the following media will be accepted: oil; watercolor; acrylic; pastel; photography; and other (one-dimensional art). All entries must be submitted by July 31, 2006.

Winners will be selected from each media category, from the US, and from all international entries (“Best of Exhibition” winner, and 2nd- and 3rd- place winners). They will be chosen by an independent panel of judges, comprised of cancer survivors, oncologists, journalists, cancer advocates and artists. Winners will be notified in fall 2006 and awarded monetary prizes for the cancer charities of their choice.

For additional contest details, and to obtain a 2006 Lilly Oncology on Canvas registration form, call 800-734-4131 or contact Anita Chernewski, art director, at

To view the 2004 Lilly Oncology on Canvas entries, log on to and click on the Lilly Oncology on Canvas icon.

*World Cancer Day

In solidarity with people living with cancer, cancer survivors and the global cancer-control community, the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) commemorates World Cancer Day every February 4th. The Charter of Paris, adopted during the 2000 World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium (and including the UICC and the World Health Organisation), called for an invincible alliance between researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, government, industry and media -- to fight cancer and its greatest allies -- fear, ignorance, and complacency.(1)

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)

NCCS is the oldest survivor-led cancer advocacy organization in the country and a highly respected authentic voice at the federal level, advocating for quality cancer care for all Americans and empowering cancer survivors. For more information about NCCS and its advocacy for quality cancer care, please visit or call 1.877.NCCS.YES.

Eli Lilly and Company

Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Lilly provides answers -- through medicines and information -- for some of the world’s most urgent medical needs. O-LLY.

(1) International Union Against Cancer, “World Cancer Day 2006,” (January 12, 2006)

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Photo: NewsCom: Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comEli Lilly and Company; National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

CONTACT: Christine Van Marter of Eli Lilly and Company, +1-317-651-1473,Pager: +1-888-448-9126, ; or Neil Hochman of CPRWorldwide USA, +1-212-453-2067, cell: +1-516-784-9089,