NEW YORK, June 12, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- A new clinical trial reveals that Cefaly®, the first FDA-approved external trigeminal nerve stimulation device for the prevention of frequent episodic migraines, has been used successfully on migraine patients who do not respond to usual oral migraine medication (refractory migraine).
The results, published in BMC Neurology, an international peer-reviewed publication, showed that the Cefaly® treatment reduced significantly the headache days and the acute anti-migraine medication intake in migraine patients that didn’t previously respond to usual preventive oral migraine medications. Two out of three patients (66%) said they were satisfied by the treatment.
“We’re excited to offer migraineurs hope and solution when usual oral preventive medication does not work. This is a great step that confirms Cefaly® efficacy, particularly when medication fails, which is among the most difficult demographic of patients to treat,” said Dr. Pierre Rigaux, the chief executive officer of CEFALY Technology, and a member of the team that invented the device.
Migraine affects 38 million people in the U.S., according to the Migraine Research Foundation. The debilitating neurological condition impacts all aspects of a migraineur’s life. Almost a third of the patients suffered more than three migraines a month and needed a migraine preventive treatment in order to reduce the frequency of the attacks. The study results confirm the high efficacy of Cefaly®, even when other treatments didn’t work. The constant accumulation of clinical data about the Cefaly® shows clearly that Cefaly®, offers the best safety efficacy ratio and thus is becoming the first line treatment for patients having frequently migraine attacks.
Cefaly®, is a palm-sized, prescription-only, device that works through a self-adhesive electrode that’s placed on the forehead and a magnetic connection, which sends tiny electrical impulses through the skin to the upper branches of the trigeminal nerve to desensitize the trigeminovascular system. The device, which is not yet covered by most insurance companies, costs $349 and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. Cefaly® is indicated for those ages 18 and older. Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should check with their doctor before using Cefaly®.
About CEFALY® Technology
CEFALY® Technology is a Belgium-based company, with US offices based in Wilton, Connecticut, specializing in electronics for medical applications. It has developed external cranial stimulation technology for applications in the field of neurology; in particular for treating migraines. For more information, visit Find Cefaly on Twitter: @Cefaly, Facebook:, and YouTube:
Media Contact: Maria Coder
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