Cedara Software Corp. To Showcase RIS/PACS And Leading Edge Medical Solutions At The 2006 European Congress Of Radiology

TORONTO, Feb. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cedara Software, a Merge Healthcare company and a leading independent developer of medical software technologies for the global healthcare market, today announced plans to showcase a variety of leading edge medical imaging solutions at the 2006 Healthcare European Congress of Radiology (ECR).

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Building upon the global success of eFilm Workstation and FUSION RIS/PACS, Cedara will introduce a variety of new clinical applications in its European FUSION product line to the European Community. Enabled by the Cedara Clinical Control Center (C4), these new products will be demonstrated in a tightly integrated PACS context. C4 enables OEMs to provide an environment for healthcare professionals to automatically launch independent clinical applications on a single PACS workstation through configurable protocols for user, study and anatomy types. Recognizing the unique workflow demands of different regions throughout the European community, Cedara’s European FUSION product line will provide flexible support, in multiple languages to different healthcare professionals.

European FUSION Clinical Applications FUSION Ortho(TM) FUSION Ortho is a diagnostic tool for orthopaedic surgical planning, templating, archiving, and web distribution. Ortho includes libraries of digital orthopaedic templates from all the major prosthesis vendors, delivering advanced diagnostic and planning functionality for joint arthroplasty, trauma, deformity corrections and more. FUSION PET/CT(TM) FUSION PET/CT provides a variety of dedicated tools for PET/CT analysis, through a PACS paradigm of using multiple screens to provide optimal workspace to read the torrent of data contained in these studies. FUSION CalScore(TM) A powerful application for coronary screening, FUSION CalScore provides clinicians with the tools needed to quantify arterial calcium buildup through CT imaging. FUSION Colon Review(TM) FUSION Colon Review is a complete virtual colonoscopy workflow solution that provides a powerful tool for reviewing colon or other luminal studies and reporting the findings. FUSION Lung Review(TM) FUSION Lung Review provides a solution for one of the most challenging tasks confronting today’s radiologists: the analysis of lung nodules complicated by hundreds of slices and confused by normal anatomy. FUSION Response(TM) FUSION Response is a works-in-progress software solution for early detection of treatment response in brain cancer care that capitalizes on a molecular imaging technique to assess tumor response from cellular mechanisms. Using functional diffusion mapping (fDM), this technology presents the potential to assist medical professionals to evaluate the impact of anti-cancer drugs and radiation therapy on tumors at an unprecedented rate.

Cedara will also showcase several tools designed to assist in the fight against breast cancer: a dedicated breast imaging workstation, FUSION Mammo provides outstanding image quality, performance and tailored workflow design, allowing radiologists to optimize their reading speed and improve patient care. FUSION Mammo eliminates the hassle of switching between different workstations through vendor independence and multi-modality support. It also saves radiologist reading time by allowing individual users to prescribe image layout, presentation, and view order. Coinciding with a presentation at ECR by Dr. Giorgio Rizzatto on Advanced Technical Aspects and Future Trends in Ultrasound, Cedara will also showcase Cedara B-CAD, the first ever computer aided detection (CAD) solution designed to assist radiologists to analyze breast ultrasound. With integrated tools for ACR BI-RADS(R) characterization, feature extraction and automatic report generation, Cedara B-CAD represents a strong shift for CAD applications, integrating a variety of features beyond current CAD market offerings.

Cedara will also showcase new enhancements to its European FUSION RIS/PACS, including scheduling, dictation, exam routing, and hanging protocols, designed to use the power of RIS information to streamline the presentation of PACS images. FUSION RIS/PACS provides an intelligent, distributed workflow for users in multi site enterprises through a single integrated desktop. FUSION RIS and FUSION PACS offerings will be available in multiple languages and flexible workflow for the European markets.

“We are very pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate our broad portfolio of OEM and end-user medical solutions at ECR,” said Brian Pedlar, President of Cedara Software. “Cedara’s solutions offer unrivaled flexibility and functionality for integrated image and information management; through standards based approaches including DICOM, HL7 and HIPAA, our European offering of FUSION RIS/PACS provides comprehensive and secure information access for medical professionals throughout the healthcare enterprise. Any medical professional, equipment manufacturer or reseller interested in next generation solutions should check out Cedara Software.”

Cedara Software will be located at booth 39 in Expo A Hall of the Austria Center in Vienna from March 3-7, 2006.

Cedara Software is a Merge Healthcare company focused on the development of custom engineered software applications and development tools for the medical imaging OEM and International markets. Cedara software is deployed in hospitals and clinics worldwide and is licensed by many of the world’s leading medical device and healthcare information technology companies. Cedara technologies and expertise span all the major digital imaging modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), digital X-ray, mammography, ultrasound, echo-cardiology, angiography, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET) and fluoroscopy. Cedara medical imaging offerings are used in all aspects of clinical imaging workflow including the capture of a patient’s digital image; the archiving, communication and manipulation of digital images; sophisticated clinical applications to analyze digital images; and the use of imaging in minimally- invasive surgery. For additional information, visit our website at http://www.cedara.com .

Merge Healthcare is a market leader in the development and delivery of medical imaging and information management software and services. With over twenty years of leadership in the medical imaging and healthcare information technology markets, Merge Healthcare provides innovative solutions for both OEM and the end-user healthcare markets. We custom engineer clinical and imaging applications and development tools that are on the forefront of medicine and its use of medical imaging for OEM and international customers. We develop innovative medical imaging software solutions that support end-to- end business and clinical workflow for radiology department and specialty practices, imaging centers and hospitals. Our innovative software solutions use leading-edge imaging software technologies that accelerate market delivery for our OEM customers, while our end-user solutions improve our customers’ productivity and enhance the quality of patient care they provide. For additional information, visit our website at http://www.merge.com .

All trademarks appearing in this release are the property of Cedara Software Corp. and/or Merge Healthcare.

Photo: NewsCom: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20030430/MRGELOGOAP Archive: http://photoarchive.ap.orgPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comMerge Healthcare

CONTACT: Jacques Cornet, VP of Business Development & Strategic Marketingof Cedara Software Corp., +1-905-672-2100, x 2564,jacques.cornet@cedara.com , or Media, Beth Frost-Johnson, Sr. VP ofMarketing of Merge Healthcare, +1-414-977-4254, bethfj@merge.com