CARMAT SAS Appoints Henri Lachmann to its Board of Directors

Paris, January 19, 2011 -- CARMAT (FR0010907956, ALCAR), the designer and developer of the world’s most advanced total artificial heart, today announced the appointment of Henri Lachmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Schneider Electric, to its Board of Directors. Henri Lachmann is Chairman of the Board of Marie Lannelongue Surgical Centre (a private, not-for-profit healthcare establishment specializing in heart surgery and located in Le Plessis-Robinson, near Paris). Marie Lannelongue Surgical Centre invested in Carmat when the company floated on the stock market.

“We are delighted to welcome a world-famous businessman like Henri Lachmann to Carmat’s Board of Directors. His exceptional experience in publicly listed multinationals, his network of high-level contacts, his knowledge of the heart surgery industry and his strategic international vision are going to help Carmat to reach its forthcoming development milestones”, commented Carmat Chairman Jean-Claude Cadudal.

Henri Lachmann started his career in 1963 at the international auditing firm Arthur Andersen. In 1970, he joined the Strafor Facom and was appointed as Chairman in 1981. As a Director of Schneider Electric SA since 1996, Henri Lachmann was appointed as the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1999. He is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Group since 2006.

Henri Lachmann holds several other important positions: Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vivendi, Member of the Supervisory Board of Groupe Norbert Dentressangle, Member of the Board of Axa Mutuelles, Chairman of the Board of Marie Lannelongue Surgical Centre (since 2006), Chairman of the Foundation for Continental Law, Chairman of Télémaque Foundation, non-voting Director at Fimalac, Member of the Board of the Foundation Entreprendre, President of the Advisory Board of Campus of Excellency at the Commissariat Général à l’Investissement (Grand Emprunt), Vice-President and Treasurer of Institut Montaigne and member of the Steering Committee of the Institut de l’Entreprise.

Henri Lachmann is also an Officer of the French Légion d’Honneur, an Officer of the French Order of Academic Palms and a Commander in the National Order of Merit.

Henri Lachmann is graduated of HEC Paris Business School (1961) and is qualified as a chartered accountant. He was born in 1938 in Colmar (France).

About CARMAT: CARMAT, the world’s most advanced total artificial heart project

The only credible response for all cases of end-stage heart failure, which is a real public health issue: CARMAT’s aim is to be able to provide a response to a major public health issue associated with heart disease, the world’s leading cause of death: chronic and acute heart failure. Indeed, this disease currently affects over 100 million patients in developed countries. By pursuing the development of its total artificial heart, CARMAT intends to overcome the well-known shortfall in heart transplants for the tens of thousands of people suffering from heart failure.

The result of the combination of two types of unique expertise: the medical expertise of Professor Carpentier, known throughout the world for inventing Carpentier-Edwards® heart valves, which are the most used in the world, and the technological expertise of EADS, world aerospace leader.

Imitating the natural heart: given its size, its weight, the choice of structural materials and its innovative physiological functions, CARMAT’s total artificial heart could, assuming upcoming clinical trials are successful, potentially benefit the lives of tens of thousands of patients a year whilst ensuring there is no risk of rejection and providing them with an unparalleled quality of life.

A project leader acknowledged at a European level: with the backing of the European Commission, CARMAT has been granted the largest subsidy ever given to an SME by OSEO; a total of €33 million.

Substantial involvement of prestigious founders and shareholders: Truffle Capital, the leading European venture capital firm, EADS, the Foundation Alain Carpentier (Carmat’s co-founder) and thousands of institutional and individual shareholders who have also shown their confidence in CARMAT.

Carmat’s Board of Directors is constituted by André-Michel Ballester, Jean-Claude Cadudal (Chairman), Professor Alain Carpentier, Michel Finance, Henri Lachmann and Philippe Pouletty MD.

For more information:

CARMAT Marcello Conviti CEO Patrick Coulombier COO Tel.: + 33 (0)1 39 45 54 50

ALIZE RP Corporate communication Caroline Carmagnol Tel.: + 33 (0)6 64 18 99 59

Laurence Delval and Anne-Sophie Cosqueric Tel.: + 33 (0)1 41 68 86 42 /

Name: CARMAT ISIN code: FR0010907956 Ticker: ALCAR