Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc. Offers Axio Scope.A1 with Polarization Microscopy

Thornwood, N.Y. – Carl Zeiss, a leading provider of microscopy solutions for a variety of research, clinical and industrial applications, now offers the exceptionally flexible Axio Scope.A1 microscope system with polarization microscopy. With minimal effort, six different versions of the microscope can be specifically and economically configured for polarization techniques.

Within this modular system, each user can configure or research the system by analyzing the requirement and application. Two upper parts of the microscope stand have now been developed for polarization, allowing a total of three lower parts and seven upper parts to be available.

Designed for use in universities and colleges, research institutes in the fields of the geosciences and mineralogy and in the exploration industry, this microscope fulfills the highest demands on system functionality and flexibility. Axio Scope.A1 for polarization can additionally be used in state-of-the art materialography applications in, for example, the building materials, glass, plastics, textile and fiber industries. In addition, a version of the microscope system is also available as a training microscope for use in education. Further capabilities include conoscopy for crystal diagnosis, the use of numerous other measuring techniques and documentation.

The modular design of the Axio Scope.A1 offers an interface between the upper and lower parts of the stand to allow the use of spacers for adapting microscope slides to the sample size. The flexible configuration of the components available provides versions for transmitted light, reflected light or both with up to 100W light intensity. This high light intensity also makes the system suitable for weakly reflecting samples. Axio Scope.A1 now features all relevant contrasting techniques including differential interference contrast (C-DIC) and circular polarization.

The microscope permits rapid switching from orthoscopy to conoscopy and is also suitable for darkfield applications. Other benefits of the Axio Scope.A1 for polarization are the standard-compliant DIN compensator mount, high-quality, color-neutral polarizers, ball bearing mounted rotary stages and four different series of strain-free objective lenses.

The microscope system can be used with traditional cameras, with all cameras in the AxioCam line and with AxioVision image processing software.

About Carl Zeiss

Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc., a subsidiary of Carl Zeiss, Inc., offers microscopy solutions and systems for research, laboratories, routine and industrial applications. In addition, Carl Zeiss MicroImaging markets microscopy and digital pathology systems for the clinical market, as well as spectral sensors for industrial and pharmaceutical applications. Since1846, Carl Zeiss has remained committed to enabling science and technology to go beyond what man can see. Today, Carl Zeiss is a global leader in the optical and opto-electronic industries.

With 11,249 current employees in the Group and offices in over 30 countries, Carl Zeiss is represented in more than 100 countries with production centers in Europe, North America, Central America and Asia. For more information on the breadth of solutions offered by Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, please visit