BioTrove, Inc. Launches RapidFire 300 for in vitro ADME Discovery

WOBURN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BioTrove, Inc. today announced the launch of its RapidFire® 300 system for high-throughput screening of in vitro ADME assays. Producing label-free data at six to eight seconds per sample, drug discovery researchers can now use the high-throughput, mass spectrometry based method to analyze in vitro ADME assays in a fraction of the time required for conventional HPLC mass spectrometry techniques. The RapidFire 300 expands the in vitro ADME applications of the platform beyond drug-drug interaction (DDI) screening. DDI was first launched two years ago on the RapidFire 200 system and is used by numerous pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to provide high quality DDI data at record throughput. This latest addition to the RapidFire screening tool kit will be introduced at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry’s (ASMS) 57th Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 31-June 4.