The Institut Curie and Ipsogen Sign a Scientific Collaboration Agreement Relating to the Genomic Grade, a Molecular Diagnostic Tool for Breast Cancer

PARIS and MARSEILLE, France, January 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The INSTITUT CURIE and IPSOGEN (FR0010626028 - ALIPS) announce the signing of a scientific collaboration agreement in the breast cancer domain. Within the framework of this project, the current scientific knowledge on Ipsogen’s MapQuant Dx Grade Genomic, HER2 and HR tests will be increased thanks to new data established from a large population of patients treated at the Institut Curie. The aim of this collaboration is to evaluate these tests compared to current breast cancer characterization techniques. Indeed, these new tests could represent, for oncologists and pathologists, helpful decision-making tools enabling them to improve the diagnostic process and optimally adapt their therapeutic strategy to each patient.

Within the framework of this collaboration, the genomic analysis of 200 breast tumors will be performed on the Institut Curie’s molecular diagnostic platform, using the expertise of the Institut Curie, in particular the translational research department and clinical teams specialized in breast cancer, and Ipsogen.

Sergio Roman-Roman, Head of Translational Research at the Institut Curie, states: “the existence, at the Institut Curie, of a bank of well-characterized human tumor samples, as well as a particularly strong genomic analysis platform, makes it possible to conduct a reliable assessment of molecular diagnostic tools such as the one that is the subject of this collaboration. The stakes are high because these tools, once validated via research such as those we are beginning today, can be a substantial aid to making therapeutic decisions for women with breast cancer.”

Vincent Fert, CEO of Ipsogen, adds: “This first collaboration with the Institut Curie is very important for our company, and reflects the recognition of the quality of our development work. By pooling the complementary scientific and clinical know-how of the Institut Curie and the technical and industrial know-how of Ipsogen, it will be possible to make faster progress towards personalized medicine. It will also enable us, as we have already successfully done in onco-hematology, to continue collaborating with oncologists to develop products that meet their clinical needs in breast cancer.”

About the Institut Curie

The Institut Curie is a private non-profit foundation that combines France’s largest oncology research center and a state-of-the-art hospital that has pioneered many treatments. It is a reference center in breast cancer, tumors in children and adolescents and eye cancers, and disseminates medical innovations nationwide and worldwide.

Founded in 1909 on a model designed by Marie Curie and still cutting-edge, “from basic research to innovative healthcare,” the Institut Curie has some 2,000 researchers, physicians and healthcare staff who all work towards a common goal: to defeat cancer.

A vital link between clinicians and scientists, the Institut Curie’s translational research department forms a bridge from research progress to hospitals and industry. This department’s competence in genomics, post-genomics, immunomonitoring, pharmacology and biology complement the Institut Curie’s scientific and clinical activity.


IPSOGEN, Cancer Profiler, develops and markets molecular diagnostic tests that help map diseases to guide oncologists and patients in their therapeutic decisions.

Strengthened by its scientific and clinical partnerships with recognized academic centers, and its multidisciplinary teams in France and the USA, and with more than 70 tests already used routinely worldwide for the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of thousands of patients with leukemia, Ipsogen is now targeting breast cancer with the aim of providing currently inaccessible diagnostic information.

Ipsogen employed 60 people as of June 30, 2009. Its headquarters are located in Marseille, France, with a subsidiary, Ipsogen Inc., in Stamford, CT, USA.

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CONTACT: Contacts: IPSOGEN, Vincent Fert, President and CEO, Tel:
+33(0)4-9129-3090,; ATCG Press: Corporate and Product
Information, Marielle Bricman, Tel. : +33(0)4-9125-0785,; NewCap, Financial Communication and Investor
Relations: Axelle Vuillermet & Pierre Laurent, Tel :+33(0)1-44-71-94-93,; INSTITUT CURIE: Celine Giustranti, Tel.