September 26, 2013 -- A novel approach that will shorten development times for new antibiotics has received over £1m of funding to scale up production and enter clinical trials. Procarta Biosystems, based on the Norwich Research Park, has been awarded two substantial EU grants to focus on ‘superbugs’ – MRSA, Clostridium difficile and the causative agent of tuberculosis.
Procarta’s patented approach is truly novel as it takes away the ability of the bacteria to control its own genes. This form of attack is completely new to bacteria and as gene expression is an essential process, it is difficult to see how bacteria could develop resistance to new drugs developed with this technology.
Dr Michael McArthur, co-founder and CSO of Procarta explains that the funding will help fast track the technology from lab to clinic.
“What is new to bacteria is also new to the pharmaceutical industry so in order to get serious backing the technology needs to prove itself. The science has been validated in the laboratory and we have previously secured public and private investment, however the EU grant will allow us to accelerate development of a portfolio of products, scale-up production and enter clinical trials.
The Procarta approach ‘hacks’ the genetic code of the bacteria. First the bacteria DNA is sequenced and this is then used as a template to synthesise a new stretch of DNA code that can select which genes in the bacteria to turn off. This code forms the basis of a new antibiotic and Procarta has demonstrated that its technology is applicable to a range of bacteria.
Dr McArthur continues, “Using our platform technology new antibiotics can be designed rapidly by simple examination of the genome sequence. This would allow us to respond in a matter of weeks to outbreaks of dangerous and difficult to treat infections.”
Dr. Kostas Hatzixanthis, Director of Research, comments,
“For a large company this breadth of products in development would be remarkable, for such a small one it suggests that Procarta’s ‘platform technology’ is capable of transforming the market.
“These are very exciting times for Procarta and I am delighted the EU has recognised the potential of our platform technology. We look forward to the challenge of scaling up production and preparing for clinical trials”.
Dr. McArthur says, “This is a double pleasure: as the science grows so does the company and we will be recruiting. We want to play a key part of the scientific revolution that is going on at the Norwich Research Park. The UK government has backed us through its scientific funding body, the BBSRC, and there has always been an expectation that we will generate value and jobs; I am glad to reciprocate.”
The Norwich Research Park has one of the largest concentrations of microbiologists in Europe and this has created an exciting hub for drug discovery and research. It has particular strengths in the field of antimicrobials.
Collaboration across the Park – between the University of East Anglia (UEA), UEA’s Norwich Medical School, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the research institutes: The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC), John Innes Centre (JIC) and the Institute of Food Research (IFR), plus a Clinical Trials Research Unit – has started to fast-track a range of new developments.
Some of these are aimed at the development of highly specific, narrow-spectrum antibiotics, which will benefit both patients and the societal management of infections.
Media contacts
Rachel Holdsworth / Victoria Ellis, Holdsworth Associates, Tel: 01954 202789, email:,
Norwich Research Park: Dr Jane Heavens, Projects & Communications Manager, Tel: 01603 274442, email:
About Procarta Biosystems Limited
Procarta Biosystems Limited is a company formed by The John Innes Centre, Plant Bioscience Limited (PBL) and the founding scientists Dr Michael McArthur and Professor Mervyn Bibb. The company began operations in July 2008 and is currently headquartered in the Norwich BioIncubator based on the Norwich Research Park. (
About Norwich Research Park
The Norwich Research Park is a partnership between University of East Anglia, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, four independent world-renowned research institutes namely the John Innes Centre, Institute of Food Research and The Genome Analysis Centre (all strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)) and The Sainsbury Laboratory linked to the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The BBSRC is itself a partner as is the John Innes Foundation.
The vision of the Norwich Research Park partners and local government stakeholders is to develop a thriving science and innovation business park over the next decade by supporting spin-out and start up companies and through attracting inward investment from large corporate organisations involved in science and technology. The Norwich Research Park is home to around 30 science and IT based businesses.
With over 11,000 people including 2,700 scientists, Norwich Research Park is Europe’s leading centre for research in food, health and the environment.
In 2011, the Government awarded BBSRC £26M to invest in Norwich Research Park to deliver innovation from the research base and generate economic growth and job creation. The investment will help to create and support new companies and jobs based on world-leading bioscience.
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