Porsolt and JSW Sign a Strategic Collaboration Agreement to Co-Market Complementary Contract Research Services

Paris, France and Grambach, Austria 16th June 2011 – Porsolt and JSW announced today that they have signed a strategic collaboration agreement to co-market complementary contract research services.

As part of the agreement, Porsolt and JSW will co-market services to the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industries. The two companies will collaborate to provide expanded capabilities that build on the core expertise of each business.

Porsolt works with the global pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, nutraceutical companies and not-for-profit organizations. Porsolt offers specialized preclinical pharmacology services across many disease areas and physiological systems and processes. Using standardized and innovative techniques, Porsolt offers services in both efficacy and GLP safety pharmacology.

“We are excited about working with Porsolt, a leading CRO with a global reputation and presence in numerous different markets. This agreement allows us to combine contract research services, proprietary disease models and technologies, drug discovery capabilities, and provide an expanded portfolio of services for the benefit of the pharma, biotech and research communities”, said Dr Manfred Windisch, President and CEO of JSW.

JSW brings significant experience in performing a wide range of in vitro, behavioral, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry studies. JSW’s extensive capabilities include molecular biological techniques, protein expression systems, monoclonal antibodies and exclusive access to transgenic animal models of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition JSW offers full clinical research services from phase I to phase IV.

“JSW’s unique access to exclusive transgenic models of human disease, coupled with their in vitro capabilities, makes them a perfect partner for Porsolt. JSW will become one of our most significant strategic partners, further establishing us as the market leader in fully integrated lead optimization drug discovery services”, commented Dr Mark Duxon, CEO of Porsolt.

In contrast to the increasing trend for CROs to develop their own drug assets through partnership with their clients, both Porsolt and JSW have chosen not to have their own proprietary drug development programs. This ensures optimal support of their customers and removes any potential conflicts of interest.

About Porsolt SAS

Porsolt is a long established preclinical CRO, having started operations in 1984 under the name ITEM-Labo. Porsolt has obtained an international reputation for expertise in physiopathological models, customized procedures and tailored solutions for discovering treatments of psychiatric and neurological disorders, acute and chronic pain, inflammation, cardiac and vascular diseases, and metabolic and eating disorders. Porsolt also offers services for safety evaluation of drug candidates from screening to regulatory studies before first-in-man administration in full compliance with GLP (ICH S7), including full assessment of arrhythmogenic risk and abuse and dependence liability. Porsolt’s is headquartered in France with facilities in Paris and Laval. In 2010 Porsolt opened a subsidiary in Texas (US) to carry out studies in primates, specifically for assessing abuse/dependence liability, and extending this to cognition (Alzheimer’s), pain, electroencephalogram (EEG), and cardiovascular and respiratory pharmacology.

For additional information about the organization, please visit www.porsolt.com or email us at contact@porsolt.com

About JSW Lifesciences GmbH

The enterprise was founded in 1999 and gained unique experience in performing efficacy studies using transgenic and induced mouse and/or rat models for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, Stroke, ALS, psychiatric disorders and other diseases of the CNS. Complementary to the in vivo models and as a helpful tool in the lead finding process JSW-Lifesciences developed a range of in vitro applications covering all aspects of neurodegeneration. In addition to the preclinical services, JSW runs a clinical branch offering services in all clinical phases and indications. JSW is based in Grambach, Austria with clinical research subsidiaries in Croatia, Czech Republic, Spain, Slovenia, Serbia and Hungary. The availability of preclinical as well as clinical contract research services within one CRO ensures an optimal and efficacious translation from preclinical to clinical drug development.

For additional information, please visit www.jsw-lifesciences.com or email us at office@jsw-lifesciences.com