BLOOMINGTON, Minn., Oct. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Reflective of the national movement within the long term care profession that has improved quality care for the frail, elderly and disabled, Lewiston Villa Nursing Home was presented with the highest award for quality achievement by the American Health Care Association (AHCA) and the National Center For Assisted Living (NCAL). One of two facilities in the nation ever to receive the highest level of recognition within the AHCA/NCAL Quality Award program, Lewiston Villa met the most comprehensive and rigorous criteria that demonstrate a strong commitment to a systematic process for continuous quality improvement.
“Minnesota’s long term care community is incredibly proud of Lewiston Villa’s outstanding achievement in bringing high quality care to the most frail senior citizens and the disabled in our state,” said Rick E. Carter, President and CEO of Care Providers of Minnesota, AHCA’s state affiliate. “Given the economic pressures that long term care providers feel on a daily basis to retain qualified, caring and professional staff, to continuously monitor and improve quality and maintain the delivery of compassionate, comprehensive care, this is recognition that all Minnesotans can share as we help to lead the effort to increase quality care for seniors.”
AHCA/NCAL Quality Awards have recognized 108 long term care facilities throughout the country this year. The awards consist of an entry level, Step I Award, a more rigorous Step II Award and the comprehensive Step III Award. In addition to producing a Step III award winner, Minnesota is the home state to three new Step I Quality Award winners: Ambassador Good Samaritan Center in New Hope, City of Lakes Care Center in Minneapolis and St. Michael’s Health and Rehabilitation Center in Virginia.
“Recipients of these prestigious awards know that the pursuit of excellence is a continuous journey, and that the destination makes the journey worthwhile,” said AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Hal Daub. “In the face of daunting challenges within long term care, dedicated frontline caregivers, facility administrators, nurses and physicians are demonstrating their commitment to meeting patients’ needs, which translates into enhanced quality of care and quality of life for the frail, elderly and disabled.”
The AHCA/NCAL Quality Award is modeled after criteria from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which is the nation’s premier recognition for quality achievement. The AHCA/NCAL award recognizes commitment to a continuous quality improvement process at nursing facilities, assisted living residences, and residences for persons with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Selected facilities have made quality outcomes and customer satisfaction top priorities. The program also promotes peer and public recognition.
In a letter of congratulations, Senator Norm Coleman praised Lewiston Villa as an “excellent care facility that has contributed to the betterment of the lives of its residents and the community as a whole.” The Senator called the AHCA/NCAL Quality Award “an outstanding accomplishment” for the Lewiston Villa skilled nursing facility.
Facilities that applied for the award addressed their process to use data collection and information analysis to help monitor and improve performance. By following the series of developmental steps that make up the award process, providers gain knowledge and skills to help them better serve their customers. Step I applicants who earned the award developed solid vision and mission statements and, surveyed their customers regarding their expectations, needs and satisfaction. Recipients at the Step II level addressed in detail aspects of leadership, strategic planning, information and analysis, human resource development and management, process management and business results. Recipients in the Step III category addressed the Baldrige criteria in its entirety, specifically their integration of the seven major categories of the Baldrige criteria.
The AHCA/NCAL Quality Award was created in 1996 in response to an increasingly consumer-driven health care market’s search for quantifiable indicators of quality accomplishments. Sponsors of the Quality Awards are: Ross Products Division of Abbott Labs and Briggs Corporation.
The Quality Awards are part of AHCA/NCAL’s Quality First initiative, which strives to provide a spectrum of patient/resident-centered care and services which nurture the individuals’ health and lives by preserving connections with extended family and friends, and promoting dignity, respect, independence, and choice.
The national presentation for award recipients took place during AHCA/NCAL’s Annual Convention and Exposition October 3-6, in Miami Beach, FL.
The American Health Care Association (AHCA) and the National Center For Assisted Living (NCAL) are committed to quality and performance excellence in the long term care profession and actively support Quality First, a covenant for healthy, affordable, and ethical long term care, and adherence to its principles and goals. Nationwide, AHCA and NCAL represent more than 10,000 non-profit and for-profit facilities that are dedicated to professional and compassionate care to more than one million elderly and disabled individuals daily in nursing facilities, assisted living residences, subacute centers and homes for persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
Care Providers of Minnesota
CONTACT: Bill Gray of Care Providers of Minnesota, +1-952-854-2844; orAlexis Starkey of American Health Care Association, +1-202-898-6301