EPEMED European Knowledge Center Is Expanding Focus

Luxembourg, 23 October 2015

2015 is set to be the record year for diagnostic and personalised medicine transactions, with a record 27 deals between pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies already completed in the first half year. As the personalised medicine space continues to increase in relevance and importance, EPEMED together with DxInsights and Diaceutics is taking a closer look into the details behind the numbers to provide further insights into the industry trends.

The new personalised medicine deal data as well as other industry information is now available at the European Knowledge Center. The on-line Center was launched in 2014 as a joint project between DxInsights and EPEMED. The European Knowledge Center is a unique European library for the Personalised Medicine and Diagnostics industries offering interesting and comprehensive insight for EPEMED members, ranging from clinical, research, industry, regulatory, economic and education arenas.

Diaceutics brings in a new focus and analysis on corporate deals and partnerships in Personalised Medicine with a review of mergers and acquisitions deals publicly disclosed via press releases and news outlets.

“This is an exciting move forward and an important value added for our international community of members. The Knowledge Center continues to expand its unique educational experience and stands as the only integrated portal of key industry facts in Europe today” adds Mara Aspinall, EPEMED Director, DxInsights Founder, and Executive Chairman of GenePeeks.

As Personalised Medicine continues to reveal the ‘paradigm shift’ in healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry, we are seeing increasing investment in co-development of diagnostics for the pharmaceutical pipelines, both via merger and acquisition to boost in-house capabilities, and via partnering with existing players in the diagnostics arena.

“Capturing the key corporate trends sustaining the integration of personalised medicine is key and Diaceutics is exited to facilitate the communication of useful highlights in that space” said Sanna Jousi, EVP and Managing Director of Diaceutics and EPEMED member.

This new data section in the European Knowledge Center thus reflects the increasing deals and partnerships within the pharma, diagnostic and medical devices, as well as biotech and research organizations, on top of the venture capital funding flowing into the companies offering new technologies such as sequencing and ‘big data’ information technology solutions.

“We are proud of this extended partnership which reflects once again the distinctive collaborative and dynamic spirit inherent to EPEMED in growing and expanding personalised medicine and diagnostic insights inside the European landscape” concluded Emmanuelle Benzimra, EPEMED General Delegate.

Browse our website and share your experience of the EU Knowledge Center at www.epemed.org

Contact: mara.aspinall@epemed.org/ ebenzimra@epemed.org / sanna.jousi@diaceutics.com

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