DH Recalls Eumed Biotechnology Co. Ltd.'s EUKARE Blood Glucose Test Strip

The Department of Health (DH) today (March 5) drew public attention to the recall of certain lots of a blood glucose test strip, the EUKARE Blood Glucose Test Strip. The affected test strips may give falsely high blood glucose readings. The DH noticed through its surveillance of medical devices that the product’s manufacturer, Eumed Biotechnology Co. Ltd ., has recalled two lots of the products (Lot numbers: TS14DD1F1002 and TS16DD1H2814). Information from the manufacturer indicates that the problem appears to be related to improper storage of a reagent of the test strips. A spokesman for the DH explained that falsely high blood glucose readings may mislead a diabetic patient into inappropriate management of his or her condition, resulting in hypoglycaemia.