April, 2011 -- Cambridge Reactor Design and Uniqsis are pleased to announce that they have entered into a joint marketing agreement for the Gastropod gas introduction module and the Polar Bear low temperature reactor, for flow chemistry applications.
Both items were developed in conjunction with the Ley group at University of Cambridge and extend the capability of existing equipment for chemistry in flow. The Gastropod allows efficient, controllable and reliable mixing of gas and liquid phases through semi-permeable membrane technology and is suitable for use with a wide range of reactive gases and solvents. The Polar Bear offers accurate and precise temperature control from ambient to -88°C at the touch of a button, employing novel cooling methodology, which is clean and simple.
The two products will be launched in the coming weeks. In the meantime, to find out more, visit www.uniqsis.com or www.cambridgereactordesign.com or contact your local agent.
For product enquiries please contact:
Paul Pergande +44 (0)845 864 7747
Email: marketing@uniqsis.com
For media enquiries please contact:
Phoenix MarCom Ltd
+ 44 (0) 1223 873318
Email: marketing@phoenixmarcom.co.uk
About Uniqsis Ltd
Based near Cambridge, UK, Uniqsis was formed in January 2007 by Asynt Ltd and Grant Instruments (Cambridge) Ltd to develop innovative continuous flow chemistry products for customers in both the research and biopharmaceutical sectors. A consortium of expert engineers, supporting companies and scientists from the pharmaceutical industry has been assembled to provide in-depth scientific and technical expertise to the development of this exciting new technology.
About Cambridge Reactor Design Ltd
Cambridge Reactor Design was founded in 1989 by Dr. Bashir Harji, as a spin-out from Cambridge University. Initially CRD provided customised engineering projects to chemistry and chemical engineering laboratories at Cambridge University, expanding its service to other UK universities, then to UK and European companies. Today CRD is fully established as a customised engineering and automation solutions provider to the chemistry sector, with a global customer base.