ASCO is coming. It’s the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting to be held on June 5-8 in New Orleans.
Only a little under a month to go, ASCO is getting ready as thousands of physicians and researchers will be attending to get information about how drugs performed in clinical studies. The details contained within ASCO research abstracts often move the market because they can reveal important summary information about how drugs performed in clinical studies. Obviously, well-heeled biotech investors will want to get a heads up on these abstracts.
There are literally thousands of research presentations made at ASCO each year and an overwhelming amount of information to digest. However, there will be old news mixed with the new, material that will either make investors yawn or go bonkers. Predicting outcomes of these studies from the abstract titles listed on ASCO’s website can be premature, nonetheless the market will play on the momentum. Then there is always the element of surprise, there will also be some presentations that are submitted at the last minute, making the late breaking data all that more interesting. And if it’s anything similar to the past, Wall Street will be anticipating and positioning itself to play on the news of companies developing cancer drugs.
For instance, Celgene/NASDAQ: CELG will provide significant data at ASCO in June on Thalomid in front line multiple myeloma, as well as several trials in solid tumors, which can potentially draw patient demand and growth for the drug. We anticipate the FDA will approve Thalomid late this year for the treatment of multiple myeloma, making it the second drug approved for multiple myeloma since Millennium’s Velcade entered the market last year. Price increases and increased sales of Thalomid should contribute significantly to revenue growth for Celgene. Celgene forecasted earnings for 2004 to between 0.42 cents and 0.52 cents a share, up from a previous range of 0.40 cents to 0.50 cents. It also increased its revenue estimate to between $365 million and $385 million, from a previous estimate of $360 million and $380 million.
Celgene could have another drug on the market by the end of the year if the FDA approves Revlimid for myelodysplastic syndrome. Revlimid is also being developed in other types of cancer that include prostate cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and renal cell carcinoma.
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