Archway Recalls Holiday Cashew Cookies

Holiday cookies that may contain pieces of glass have been recalled by Archway Cookies. The company said in a statement that it was voluntarily recalling a limited quantity of its 10-ounce Archway Holiday Cashew Nougat Cookies sold nationwide. The company is investigating how the glass got in the cookies, which are made in Ashland and at another plant in Indiana. Only the holiday cookies with the following 2005 dates have been recalled: Feb. 20, Feb 28, Feb. 29, March 3, March 4, March 5, March 10, March 11 and March 24. The product code, which can be found on the right-hand side of the package, is 2750002054. No serious injuries or illnesses have been reported, Archway said in the statement. The cookie maker is asking customers to not eat the cookies and return them to the store for a refund, or call 1-800-850-2307 for more information.