American Medical Association (AMA) President Susan R. Bailey , M.D., will deliver a live national address on Tuesday, January 12 , on the lessons learned from COVID-19 in 2020 and call upon the incoming Biden Administration to provide additional guidance and support for states as they develop programs for COVID-19 vaccine distribution
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- American Medical Association (AMA) President Susan R. Bailey, M.D., will deliver a live national address on Tuesday, January 12, on the lessons learned from COVID-19 in 2020 and call upon the incoming Biden Administration to provide additional guidance and support for states as they develop programs for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. The speech, delivered via livestream as part of the National Press Club’s Virtual Newsmaker series, will also call for a stronger strategy for COVID-19 testing and production of protective equipment for physicians, nurses and all health care workers by tapping into the full powers of the Defense Production Act. This 1-hour program will stream live at 2:00 p.m. ET, and is accessible to both the media and members of the general public free-of-charge. Please click here to register. Dr. Bailey’s speech will be followed by a moderated question-and-answer session with National Press Club President Michael Freedman. Viewers are invited to submit their questions for Dr. Bailey in advance or during the live program via email to President Freedman will ask as many questions as time permits. WHO: American Medical Association President Susan R. Bailey, M.D.; National Press Club President Michael Freedman WHAT: NPC Virtual Newsmaker: “COVID-19: The Long Road to Recovery” WHEN: Tuesday, January 12, 2:00 p.m. ET REGISTER: CONTACT: Lindsay Underwood for the National Press Club;, (202) 662-7561
SOURCE National Press Club |