Young Biotech Start-Up Makes Pitch To Land In The Big Leagues Of Venture Capital Investing

Tossing their lucky sports shirts aside, the EADevices Inc. team decided it was time to don business suits. The shirts, coupled with their much-heralded presentation skills, has garnered the young trio over $300,000 in prize money at national business plan competitions. The acquired booty has set the upstart Oakland-based medical device company on firmer ground, allowing it to forge ahead with all the tasks necessary to launching a company.But shirts can only go so far.Early one morning last week, EADevices executives Josh Gerlick, 23, Yogesh Oka, 21, and Mark O’Leary, 22, were going to what baseball enthusiasts affectionately call “The Show.” For baseball players, it’s playing in the major leagues; for young tech entrepreneurs, it’s standing in front of a roomful of investors and explaining why you deserve some of their money.