Why The Most Popular Diet Advice Is (Mostly) Wrong

Maybe this is the all time, quintessential “man bites dog” story: We know what the best diet for human health is, but instead of sinking our teeth into it, it’s the other way around. It keeps biting us! This, more or less, is what ensues when one dares to speak fundamental truths about the basic care and feeding of Homo sapiens these days, past the swirl of pseudoconfusion in the service of dubious motivations.

For daring to speak such truth to power and profit, not to mention knaves, dolts and charlatans, I have indeed been gnawed, clawed, bitten and chewed. But this is not principally about my bite marks and scars. This is a celebration that there is, indeed, such truth to speak–and that we know just what it is. There is a truly luminous opportunity waiting there, for whenever we stop gnashing our teeth. We can add years to our lives, life to our years and safeguard an imperiled planet into the bargain.