Virginia Bio Release: Thrive 2015 Conference To Focus On Bioscience Innovation

Event brings together BIO and Big Data in Northern Virginia

RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Virginia Bio, the premier statewide non-profit trade association representing the life sciences industry in the Commonwealth of Virginia, today announced that its bioscience centered THRiVE 2015 Conference will feature sessions focused on driving economic development and innovation. THRiVE 2015, to be held on April 23, 2015 at the Westfields Marriot Washington Dulles Conference Center in Chantilly, Virginia, will bring together bioscience leaders from across the state and beyond – including companies, universities, research organizations, investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers, scientific and professional services firms – to help create the future of the industry.

“The bioscience industry is a catalyst to the economic development in Virginia and we are poised to do much more”

Congressman Morgan Griffith, R-VA 9th, Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Health Subcommittee, will discuss the 21st Century Cures initiative, a bipartisan effort to reinvent the Food and Drug Administration to meet their needs through the use of technologies of the future.

Governor Terry McAuliffe and Knox Singleton, CEO Inova, will lead off the plenary afternoon Forum on Bio and Big Data, bringing together national thought leaders and provide a lightning round of a dozen Virginia companies and organizations doing breakthrough work using data science to accelerate bioscience research, commercialization and clinical application.

National thought leaders include Jon White, Acting Deputy National Coordinator, CMO, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the principal federal entity charged with the coordination of nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology, and supports the President’s Precision Medicine Initiative.

Lightning Round presenters will include:

  • Northrop Grumman Information Systems, McLean, Dr. Sam Shekar, CMO Health Division
  • Aperiomics, Ashburn, Crystal R. Icenhour, CEO and Keith Crandall, Director, GW Computational Biology Institute
  • Global Genomics Group (G3), Richmond, Shahid Shah, Chief Technology Officer
  • Biotherapeutics (BTI), Blacksburg, Josep Bassaganya-Riera, President & CEO
  • Inova Translational Research Institute, Fairfax, John Niederhuber, Chief Executive Officer
  • Perthera, Inc., McLean, Chip Petricoin, CSO, and Co-Director of the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine George Mason University
  • Venebio, LLC, Richmond, Andrew Joyce, Chief Scientific Officer
  • Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Richmond, David Fenstermacher, Chief Research Information Officer, Director of Biomedical Informatics
  • Innovative Solutions Consortium, Enrico Serafini, Director of Operations, Atigeo
  • C3Nexus, Richmond, Shaiv Kapeda, MD and Nuno Valentine, Co-founders
  • Noblis, Falls Church, Dr. Gil Miller, VP and Chief Technology Officer, and Dr. Sterling Thomas, Director, Center for Applied High Performance Computing
  • Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, Roanoke, Michael Friedlander, Founding Executive Director and Associate Provost for Health Sciences, Virginia Tech

“The bioscience industry is a catalyst to the economic development in Virginia and we are poised to do much more,” said Jeff Conroy, Chairman of the Virginia Bio Board and CEO of Embody LLC. “From the Virginia BioTechnology Research Park in Richmond to leading healthcare providers and universities in Northern Virginia, the opportunities for success are abundant. THRiVE 2015 serves as the central location to bring all of the important players in this market together to help facilitate discussion and advance bioscience innovation across the Commonwealth.”

For a full list of speakers and sessions, please see the program agenda. If you would like to register as a member of the press at no cost, please contact A.J. Guenther at or 571-323-2585, extension 2130.

About Virginia Bio

Virginia Bio is the statewide non-profit trade association for life sciences, developing and promoting the considerable scientific and economic impact of life sciences research, development and commercialization in Virginia. Virginia Bio also is an advocate for the biopharmaceutical and medical device industries among federal, state and local policy-makers. Virginia Bio is the official state affiliate of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), AdvaMed and the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA) and also collaborates closely with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). To learn more, visit


ConnellyWorks, Inc.
A.J. Guenther, 571-323-2585 ext. 2130

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