Vexim Release: +37% Sales Increase To €13.3 Million As Of September 30, 2016 (9 Months) New Quarterly Sales Record

Toulouse, October 13th 2016 – VEXIM (FR0011072602 – ALVXM / PEA-PME), a medical device company specializing in the minimally invasive treatment of vertebral fractures, today announces its consolidated sales results for the third quarter 2016.

Vexim continues to develop according to its plan. Our results confirm the objectives set as the SpineJack® is becoming a reference on the spine trauma market. We are aiming at a market share of 10% in Europe by the end of 2016 and continue to strengthen our presence namely in Germany. Outside of Europe, we are also extending our market coverage with new developments in Australia and South Africa, a trend that will be reinforced in 2017. As announced during our half-year result publication, we are still confident in achieving profitability in the second-half of 2016 while maintaining a solid cash position“, said Vincent Gardès, VEXIM’s CEO.

Continued growth in the third quarter 2016


Vexim’s sales reached €4.7 million over the third quarter 2016, up 32% compared with the same period in 2015. These results are in line with the objectives set for the full year 2016 and reflect Vexim’s strong performance on all its markets. Vexim’s growth in Europe remains solid, up 37% in the first nine months of the year. Vexim continues to gain market shares in France and pursues its development in Germany. There is also a growing interest in the SpineJack® technology outside of Europe, where Vexim’s cumulated sales increased by 51% as of September 30, 2016. The company recently announced the signature of a distribution agreement in South Africa[1] and the registration of its products SpineJack® and MasterflowTM in Australia[2].

As of September 30, 2016, the total number of implants sold since the launch of the SpineJack® in 2011 came over 38,150 units, representing approximately 18,175 patients treated.

Click here to view the presentation of Vexim’s half-year 2016 results.

Financial reporting schedule:
2016 sales results: January 17, 2017*
*indicative date, subject to change
