VECT-HORUS Announces The Expansion Of Its Scientific Advisory Board

MARSEILLE, France, September 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

VECT-HORUS is a French biotechnology company that designs and develops peptide-vectors to facilitate the delivery of drugs or imaging agents into the brain and other organs, and in particular in tumours. VECT-HORUS announces the expansion of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Chaired by Prof. Jean-Michel SCHERRMANN, this Scientific Council is composed of several personalities and opinion leaders of international renown.

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The mission of the Scientific Council will be to assist VECT-HORUS in its development, to broaden and enrich its global scientific and prospective vision.

Among its members, the SAB of VECT-HORUS has world-renowned experts:

  • Prof. Jean-Michel SCHERRMANN, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences of the University Paris Descartes. He is the former director of the INSERM-U705 unit of Neuropsycopharmacology des Addictions in Paris.
  • Dr. Vincent DIVE directs the Molecular Protein Engineering Service (SIMOPRO) at the CEA of Saclay. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of Labex LERMIT.
  • Prof. Jean-Pierre BENOIT teaches Galenic Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Angers and directs the INSERM U 1066 unit. He is as well a hospital practitioner at the CHU in Angers.
  • Prof. Pascal HAMMEL is Head of Digestive Oncology at the Beaujon Hospital. He is a member of the French National Society of Gastroenterology, GERCOR and Cercle André Lambling.
  • Dr. Mikhail KALINICHEV is currently Director of In Vivo Neurology at Ipsen Innovation where he leads in vivo pharmacology research in the field of neurological disorders and neurotoxins.

Prof. SCHERRMANN will chair and moderate the deliberations of the Council, which will meet at least twice a year. “I am particularly enthusiastic about continuing as SAB President my contribution to the development of VECT-HORUS. The formation of this Scientific Committee is an essential step to accelerate development and validate the Company’s technological choices.”

Alexandre TOKAY, President of VECT-HORUS comments: “We are delighted to welcome these renowned scientists and clinicians within our Scientific Council. SAB members have internationally recognized expertise in drug targeting, treatment of central nervous system diseases and cancer, which is a major asset for the development of VECT-HORUS.”

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