The New Enterprise Forum Announces February 19 Meeting Featuring Presentation Of The NEF Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Feb. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- The New Enterprise Forum, the entrepreneurs’ link to resources, announces the February 19, 2004 meeting when the “NEF Entrepreneur of the Year” Awards will be presented. The award program recognizes several 2003 NEF Showcase Presenters for outstanding achievement in several categories with one award for the “NEF Entrepreneur of the Year.” This meeting also marks the 18th birthday of the New Enterprise Forum.

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This meeting’s entrepreneur showcase presentation features AVACore, a life sciences company. Allen Dumont, MD will present for AVACore. Dr. Dumont is a highly respected Ann Arbor, Michigan pediatrician, who has also served as the head of medical departments and national organizations. He has been active in entrepreneurship for more than a decade.

AVACore has developed a compact device that cools body temperatures with significantly greater efficiency. Applications for the device include increasing performance in sports and preventing heat-related injury, preventing heat exhaustion in professions such as firefighting and the military, and for medical use by patients with heat-sensitive multiple sclerosis.

The February 19 event meeting sponsors are NEF stakeholder members Arbor Partners and Business Direct Weekly.

The event will take place at the Holiday Inn North Campus located on Plymouth Road at US 23 in Ann Arbor. Networking and registration begin at 5:00 p.m. with the program commencing at 5:45 p.m. New Enterprise Forum members attend for free; the admission fee is $20 for all others.

For more information on this event, please visit or contact , 734-214-0107.

About New Enterprise Forum

The New Enterprise Forum (NEF), the entrepreneurs’ link to resources, is dedicated to enabling entrepreneurs to prosper and grow by providing connections to management expertise, joint venture partners, mentors, business services, capital and other resources. Monthly events offer networking opportunities, a Showcase Presentation of a new product, service or company, a featured speaker and an open forum session where all attendees are invited to describe their company and its goals. NEF, a not-for-profit organization established in 1986, meets monthly for an evening of learning, sharing experiences and making contacts. For more information about the New Enterprise Forum, visit .

Photo: NewsCom: Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comNew Enterprise Forum

CONTACT: Deb Lewis, +1-734-891-0378, , for the NewEnterprise Forum