The 3 Biotech Stocks That Outperformed Everyone the Last 17 Years

Many biotech stocks have generated incredible returns in recent years, but which are the best biotech stocks of the 21st century? This will exclude companies that haven’t traded publicly since the turn of the century or have market caps below $250 million, which weeds out many biotechs. Of the ones that survived those cuts, Acorda Therapeutics, Gilead Sciences and Celgene stand at the top of the list. Here’s how these three became the best biotech stocks of the century (so far).

Small cap, big performance For the first five or so years of the 21st century, Acorda Therapeutics was a penny stock. Investors who bought shares of the biotech in January 2001 and held on to them, however, now enjoy returns of over 11,000%. Those pennies have turned into lots of dollars.