Syrris Defies the Recession; Sales up 80%

Royston, UK (3rd July 2009) – Syrris, a leading chemistry automation product innovator, has had an exceptionally strong start to 2009. Despite the global economic downturn, Syrris has worked to successfully expand its entire product range, selling not only into Europe, but the US and Asia as well. With sales up 80% on the first six months of 2008, this rapid growth and success is reflected in the recent opening of a new subsidiary office in India. This timely expansion provides Syrris with access to the growing chemical and pharmaceutical industry within the rapidly emerging Indian market. Syrris design and manufacture world-leading flow chemistry, microreactor and automation products for research and development chemists. Since January, Syrris’s flow chemistry products, including the FRX, a modular flow chemistry system and Africa, a fully automated microreactor flow system have grown significantly. Furthermore, Syrris’s batch reactor products, including Atlas, a manual or automated system for controlling one or multiple reactions in parallel of up to 5 litres in vials, flasks or jacketed reactors, has experienced exceptional success - in particular, the Atlas Calorimeter System and the Atlas Syringe Pump. The Atlas range has recently been expanded to include a host of additional products, such as the high torque stirrer and adapter as well as the autosampler module and probe.

Working in collaboration with both Bruker and Prosonix this year, Syrris has established symbiotic relationships to greatly benefit the user. The Atlas FT-IR System for in situ reaction monitoring is a fully-automated system, which combines the technology of the Atlas automated reactor with Bruker Optics’ Matrix-MF, a process ready fourier transform infra red (FT-IR) spectrometer. The Atlas SonoLab™ System combines the Atlas jacketed reactor platform with Prosonix’s new SonoLab ultrasound technology for reproducible control of crystallizations and allows selectivity of parameters such as particle size, shape, crystallinity and polymorph.

Syrris now boasts a global network of 23 distributers, including two in the UK and one in the US. Combined with their subsidiary offices in the US, Japan and most recently, in India, Syrris’s complete product offering is available worldwide with extensive customer service and support.

For more information about the Atlas, Africa or FRX Systems, please visit