SCA’s Christmas gift to the company’s employees in 2019 was a donation of SEK 1.5 MSEK to three recipients. Cancer Research Foundation Northern Sweden received the largest donation.
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SCA‘s Christmas gift to the company’s employees in 2019 was a donation of SEK 1.5 MSEK to three recipients. Cancer Research Foundation Northern Sweden received the largest donation.
SCA’s employees decided how the donation was to be divided between the three recipients by voting for the three alternatives on the company’s intranet. As a result, Cancer Research Foundation Northern Sweden will receive SEK 875,000, BRIS - Children’s Rights in Society gets SEK 346.000 and Médecins sans frontiers/Doctors Without Borders gets SEK 278.000.
The donations are being transferred to the three organizations with warm greetings for a happy new 2020 from SCA’s employees.
The core of SCA’s business is the forest, Europe’s largest private forest holding. Around this unique resource, we have built a well-developed value chain based on renewable raw material from our own and others’ forests. We offer paper for packaging and print, pulp, wood products, renewable energy, services for forest owners and efficient transport solutions.
In 2017, the forest products company SCA had approximately 4,000 employees and sales amounted to approximately SEK 16.7bn (EUR 1.6bn). SCA was founded in 1929 and has its headquarters in Sundsvall, Sweden. More information at
For further information, please contact:
Björn Lyngfelt
Senior Vice President
Group Communications
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Company Codes: Bloomberg:SCAA@SS, Bloomberg:SCAB@SS, ISIN:SE0000112724, ISIN:SE0000171886, RICS:SCAA.ST, RICS:SCAB.ST, Stockholm:SCAA, OTC-PINK:SVCBY, Stockholm:SCAB