Throughout history, humanity has searched desperately for a “fountain of youth.” In the 1500s, famed explorer Ponce de Leon thought he might find it in Florida. Ponce would have saved himself a lot of time if he had searched inward first.
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Oct. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Throughout history, humanity has searched desperately for a “fountain of youth.” In the 1500s, famed explorer Ponce de Leon thought he might find it in Florida. Ponce would have saved himself a lot of time if he had searched inward first. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found inside all of us. Flowing within our skin, hyaluronic acid keeps the epidermis and internal tissues lubricated, supports joint health, and aids in the body’s healing processes. Revelox embraces this naturally-occurring material and uses hyaluronic acid as a foundation for all of its products. While Revelox may not have a literal fountain of youth at their disposal, the beauty, health, and wellness company aims to provide all of the tools needed to keep aging at bay. True to their name - an abbreviated combination of the Latin phrase “velox relevium,” which translates to “quick relief” - Revelox offers a variety of supplements, hydrogels, oral care, and cosmetic products. Yet, among Revelox’s many impressive offerings, Dermalux is a revelation. Dermalux is a daily supplement that utilizes a mixture of amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, and proteins to support healthy skin, hair, and nails. With these essential nutrients at its disposal, Revelox has manufactured Dermalux with the intention to foster and support anti-aging at the cellular level. More specifically, Dermalux contains marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, silica, and zinc. When mixed with water and consumed once-daily, this vegan-friendly cocktail seeks to promote cell regeneration and skin rejuvenation. As with all of Revelox’s products, Dermalux is manufactured without sodium benzoate preservatives. Sourced with high-quality ingredients, Dermalux relies on monk fruit as a natural sweetener as opposed to alternatives, like Stevia. Since monk fruit itself is full of lush antioxidants, free of calories, and doesn’t impact blood sugar levels, it fits in perfectly with the Revelox brand. Still, the key ingredient in Dermalux is the inclusion of marine collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is essential for skin health, tissue structure, and cell function. Marine sources of collagen present benefits over animal sources due to their greater absorption, low molecular weight, and low inflammatory effects. Revelox wants to revolutionize the way you take care of yourself, so you can shine as brightly on the outside as you do from within. Perhaps Dermalux is the perfect starting point for your own expedition into a land of self-discovery. SOURCES Please direct inquiries to: View original content: SOURCE Revelox |